Roe v. Wade is under attack. This is serious.

Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court announced it would take up a case on a 15-week abortion ban. As we all know, elections have consequences and this is Trump’s anti-choice Supreme Court. The origin of this case is a bill passed in the Mississippi state legislature, that is now affecting all of us. This has always been our opposition’s plan: pass a dangerous bill in a state legislature and appeal it to this Supreme Court -- to chip away at and eventually reverse Roe for all of America.

Because of this, state law is what we have left to protect choice -- and this is far from promised in Minnesota. Just this year, the anti-choice Minnesota Senate voted on and passed legislation that would restrict abortion access.

We are heading into the 2022 Midterm, and Governor & Lieutenant Governor and every seat in the Minnesota Legislature is up for election because of redistricting. Full stop -- this is critical.

If you're ready to elect strong, pro-choice women and protect our rights, join our fight and make an impact NOW in one (or all!) of the following ways: 

Run for office in 2022 or beyond!
Join our volunteer list!

Make a grassroots donation to the

2022 Representation & Redistricting Fund!


There is so much worthy work left to do -- let's do it together.


In solidarity,



Meggie Wittorf

President, Women Winning

Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States