May 18, 2021

Yesterday, May 17th marked International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia. Also known as IDAHOBIT, the day commits to standing with 2SLGBTQI communities across Canada, and the globe, against all forms of hate and discrimination. This year’s theme was Together: Resisting, Supporting, Healing


As part of IDAHOBIT 2021, May 17 also marked the release of the LGBT Purge Fund’s long-awaited report: Emerging from the Purge: The State of LGBTQI2S Inclusion in the Federal Workplace and Recommendations for Improvement.


Alongside Egale, Fondation Émergence (who started IDAHOBIT right here in Canada 18 years ago) worked with the LGBT Purge Fund over the past year to assess diversity and inclusion measures in the federal public service, the RCMP, and the Canadian Armed Forces. Emerging from the Purge presents key findings and makes 23 recommendations for improvement to support systemic change towards 2SLGBTQI inclusion in federal workplaces. The report builds off of the historic settlement reached in 2018 after a nation-wide class action lawsuit by survivors of the LGBT Purge - where from the 1950s to mid 1990s, LGBT members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCMP and the federal public service were systematically discriminated against, harassed and often fired. 

To read the full report, including the 23 recommendations for the federal government, click here. Pour en français.


Helen Kennedy, Executive Director

Egale In the News


As the pandemic forces us online, LGBTQ2+ teens deal with cyberbullying | CTV


‘Alarming’ lack of clear strategy for LGBTQ inclusion practices across federal government, new report finds | Welland Tribune




How an Asian LGBTQ group in Toronto is helping youth feel comfortable in their skin | CBC


Non-profit providing free HIV self-test kits to gay, bisexual, transgender, 2-spirit and non-binary people | CBC


UK to ban LGBT conversion therapy and provide more support | Reuters


Majority of victims of anti-LGBT+ hate crime unable to get the support they need, damning research finds | Pink News


Halifax's only LGBTQ-dedicated bar closed last year. It may be part of a trend | CBC




Make Equality Our Reality - A Board Game for a Cause

An online Grade 7 class in the Ottawa area has built a virtual board game to spread awareness of global equity issues, raise funds, and cure pandemic boredom. Through their program, the impressive group of 12–13-year-old students created a social enterprise – a business that benefits their community – and developed a virtual board game as their product!

Their game, Make Equality Our Realityis complete with challenging trivia, dice that (virtually) roll, and easy-to-follow instructions. The students were inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5, Gender Equality, as game questions challenge players to test their knowledge about Indigenous, Black, female, and 2SLGBTQI communities and their histories.

 Make Equality Our Reality is available for purchase until June 18, with proceeds going to Egale.


Ensemble: Résister, Soutenir, Guérir! La solidarité nord-sud dans le mouvements LGBTIQ dans le monde francophone

"Le mardi 18 mai de 11h à 12h30 EDT, nous organisons une table ronde en collaboration avec nos membres Egides et Fondation Émergence sur la solidarité LGBTIQ nord-sud dans la francophoni (avec interprétation en anglais)"

"On Tuesday, May 18th at 11-12:30pm EDT we have a panel in collaboration with our members Egides and Fondation Émergence on north-south LGBTIQ solidarity in the francophone world."

**English captioning available**


Join us LIVE for Rainbow Table Episode 14

IDAHOBIT & Emerging from the Purge

Join us Wednesday, May 19 @ 12 PM ET for #RainbowTable Episode 14 as we discuss #IDAHOBIT and the #EmergingFromThePurge report - with our special guests from Fondation Émergence and the LGBT Purge Fund!


Egale Canada
120 Carlton Street, Suite 217  | Toronto, Ontario M5A 4K2
416-964-7887 | [email protected]

Follow Us

Egale works to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQI people in Canada and to enhance the global response to 2SLGBTQI issues. Egale achieves this by informing public policy, inspiring cultural change, and promoting human rights and inclusion through research, education and community engagement. 

Our vision is a Canada, and ultimately a world, without homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and all other forms of oppression so that every person can achieve their full potential, free from hatred and bias. 


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