From Union City <[email protected]>
Subject Airport workers demand living wage
Date May 18, 2021 9:45 AM
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Nurses mourn, and organize

Airport workers demand living wage

UC Radio hits 10K

Today's Labor Quote

Today's Labor History

[link removed] TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings

DC Labor FilmFest: Celebrating 20 Years of Great Labor Films!
WORK SONGS: [link removed] Tickets $12

THE LUNCHROOM: [link removed] Tickets $5
IDA B. WELLS: A PASSION FOR JUSTICE: [link removed] Tickets $5
MISS MARX: [link removed] Tickets $5

THE CHAMBERMAID [LA CAMARISTA]; [link removed] Tickets $5

THE WHISTLE AT EATON FALLS aka RICHER THAN THE EARTH: Opens today, May 18; 70th Anniversary! - [link removed] Tickets $5

Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report

Prosecutions of wage theft and other employer crimes against workers: Tue, May 18, 3:30pm - 5:30p

[link removed] Zoom

[link removed] Loudoun County Labor Caucus: Tue, May 18, 5pm - 6pm

"Wednesdays with Warner": Wed, May 19, 8:15am - 8:45am

Windmill Hill Park, 500 S. Lee St., Alexandria VA

Worker Cooperatives in Spain: Mondragon Corporation: Wed, May 19, 11am - 12pm
[link removed] Register Here

[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Solidarity Works; Welcome to Uniontown; UnionDues; Union Strong; Monday Morning QB; Working People; The Docker Podcast.

Nurses mourn, and organize
May 15 On #InternationalNursesDay and to close out #NursesWeek, NNU honored more than 400 RNs who died of Covid in the pandemic by placing a pair of shoes for each one in front of the White House. If we had an OSHA standard a year ago, many of these nurses might still be alive today.
Bonnie Castillo, @NNUBonnie

Airport workers demand living wage
Breaking: 1,850,531 people were screened at airport checkpoints on Sunday - the first time topping 1.8 million since the pandemic. Don't frontline [link removed] @BWI_Airport [link removed] workers deserve a livable wage? [link removed] #MDGA21 [link removed] #MDPolitics [link removed] #PovertyDoesntFly

UC Radio hits 10K
Union City Radio just achieved 10,000 downloads on @podbeancom Check out [link removed] our feed for latest DC-area labor news. Share the solidarity; follow Union City Radio on your favorite podcast platform!

Today's Labor Quote: Big Bill Haywood

"For every dollar the boss has and didn't work for, one of us worked for a dollar and didn't get it."

A founding member and leader of the Industrial Workers of the World, Haywood died in exile in the Soviet Union on this date in 1928.


This week's Labor History Today podcast:[link removed] Passaic textile strike & LAWCHA preview. [link removed] Last week's show:[link removed] Sea Shanties and the Pleasure of Work

In what may have been baseball's first labor strike, the Detroit Tigers refuse to play after team leader Ty Cobb is suspended: he went into the stands and beat a fan who had been heckling him. Cobb was reinstated and the Tigers went back to work after the team manager's failed attempt to replace the players with a local college team: their pitcher gave up 24 runs - 1912

Amalgamated Meat Cutters union organizers launch a campaign in the nation's packinghouses, an effort that was to bring representation to 100,000 workers over the following two years - 1917

Atlanta transit workers, objecting to a new city requirement that they be fingerprinted as part of the employment process, go on strike. They relented and returned to work six months later - 1950

Insurance Agents International Union and Insurance Workers of America merge to become Insurance Workers International Union (later to merge into the UFCW) - 1959

Oklahoma jury finds for the estate of atomic worker Karen Silkwood, orders Kerr-McGee Nuclear Co. to pay $505,000 in actual damages, $10 million in punitive damages for negligence leading to Silkwood's plutonium contamination - 1979

Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.

Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.

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