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Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Big Government and Big Inflation

Ron Paul, MD

The Perfidious Dr. Fauci

Bill Sardi

The Key Covid Question To Ponder

Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

The Attack on Marco Bassani

Jo Ann Cavallo

The False God

James Howard Kunstler

Limitations of the Hatred Coalition

Paul Gottfried

Help Unskilled Workers: Abolish the Minimum Wage

Walter E. Block

Neurotic America: Masks Today, Masks Tomorrow, Masks Forever

Issues & Insights

If No Election Fraud, Why Are Dems Desperate To Block Maricopa County, Arizona Audit?

Paul Craig Roberts

The Real Estate Boom in Vegas Is More Frenzied Than Ever

Douglas French

Covid Vaccine Adverse Effects, Huge Numbers

Jon Rappoport

A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer

Margaret Anna Alice

LRC Blog

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