Interest in the New Deal Is Growing.
With your help, so are we!

In every state, volunteers equipped with the Living New Deal’s new mobile app are sending us their New Deal discoveries. Our online New Deal map and database document 17,000 New Deal sites. We believe we’ve just scratched the surface! Our website draws more than a million visits a year.  

Our "Map and Guide to the Art and Public Works of the New Deal in Washington, D.C.” is hot off the press.  It reveals the wealth of art and infrastructure the New Deal added to our nation’s capital—a reminder of what Americans built together during hard times and what a new New Deal could achieve today.

Our monthly newsletter, "The Fireside," and a webinar series, "The Next New Deal,” feature leading writers, artists and scholars on such topics as the Green New Deal; New Deal art; social movements of the 1930s; and reigniting a Federal Writers’ Project.
The New Deal left a legacy that continues to inspire to this day.  With your help, we can keep the lessons and legacy of the New Deal at the forefront.  We are grateful for your generous support.
Donors of $100 will receive a thank you gift of the Living New Deal’s new Map and Guide to the New Deal in Washington, D.C. Receive all three New Deal maps—DCSan Francisco and New York City for a donation of $200 or more.

Thank you! 

The Living New Deal is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
Your generosity makes our work possible.
You can direct your gift to the Living New Deal, Living New Deal/NYC,
or other specific programs.

The Living New Deal
Department of Geography
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720

Mailing address:
PO Box 2148
Berkeley, CA 94702

[email protected]

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