Hi Friend,

Caitlyn Jenner is right: “This is a question of fairness.” 

Caitlyn understands better than anyone why it’s unfair to allow biological males to compete against females in sports.

I, too, can speak from experience as a former collegiate athlete and current coach of a high school-aged girl’s volleyball team. 

Demand Fair Play

The whole purpose of Title IX was to grant women opportunities. It allowed women to play sports, get scholarships, and have some sort of level playing field. 

It’s only been about 50 years since Title IX was passed and women have made tremendous strides in terms of athletic participation and achievement. 

But now that progress is being threatened by policies that allow biological males to enter competitions meant for people born female. They affect women’s ability to make teams, earn scholarships, get educational and career opportunities, and develop a healthier self-esteem.

Our leaders should be looking to further level the playing field for female athletes, rather than rewriting the rules. Speak out against these UNFAIR policies.

Sign the petition to DEMAND FAIR PLAY.


Adriana McLamb
Digital Marketing Manager