Dear John,
Soon, for the first time in history, the highest court of an English-speaking jurisdiction will consider the right to liberty of a nonhuman being—our elephant client Happy—under the common law of habeas corpus. Opposing our arguments are the Bronx Zoo and the Wildlife Conservation Society, who maintain that Happy should remain a legal thing with no rights as she is under the existing animal welfare laws that allow her continued imprisonment.
Please join the NhRP’s New York counsel Liddy Stein and Director of Government Relations and Campaigns Courtney Fern on Endangered Species Day—Friday, May 21st—for a special Zoom seminar on why nonhuman animal rights are vital to protecting nonhuman animals’ interests and why we must reject approaches to conservation that depend on depriving autonomous nonhuman animals like Happy of their liberty. Liddy and Courtney will also discuss what’s next in Happy’s case, how we’re preparing, and how you can help.
Date: Friday, May 21st
Time: 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT (check for your local time here)
Please click here to register for the Zoom seminar.
If you have any questions you’d like answered about Happy’s case, please feel free to email us ahead of time at [email protected]. You can also ask them live via the Zoom chat window. This seminar will be recorded and posted to our YouTube channel for you to rewatch and share afterwards.
Please help spread the word widely via our blog and our posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday,
Mickey Suzuki
Development Director, the NhRP