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John - 
Terry McAuliffe thinks he's already governor.
We all saw how disastrous his four years in office were. Does he really think Virginia wants four more? If that wasn't enough, did you know that Ralph Northam has endorsed McAuliffe? That's right, Virginia's most embarrassing governor in all of our history wants the former, failed, and never-again Governor Terry McAuliffe to hold office again.
McAuliffe's time as governor was full of corruption, scandal, and a radical race to the left.
Virginia cannot afford four more years of Terry McAuliffe and his ideological extremism.
Luckily, Republicans have an ace up our sleeves - his name is Glenn Youngkin and we are proud to have him as our nominee for governor. Can you chip in just $5 to help us get Glenn to Richmond?
Terry McAuliffe is made of money. He bought the Governor’s Mansion in 2013 and he’s trying to buy it again in 2021. The only way we can stop him is with grassroots activists just like yourself. No single one of us can compete with the dark money mega-donors who write $50,000 checks to the Democrats - but if everyone who reads this email gives just $5, we can make up that ground in no time.
Best regards,
Virginia GOP
Paid for by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219

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Virginia GOP
115 E Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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