John, we need your help today to start preparing for the 2022 midterms.

Seventy-five percent, or 15 of our 20 endorsed candidates, are targets of the National Republican campaign committees for the House and Senate. That means Republicans are already planning to spend huge amounts of money to unseat our endorsed candidates next year.

If we don’t stand up for Democratic majority makers in the House and Senate, Trump’s insurrectionist party will control Congress. At Serve America, we’ve staked out our place in the hardest fights and we’re already on the frontlines. But we need your help.

Would you consider becoming a sustaining donor today by making a recurring contribution of any amount?


Our candidates are going to face unprecedented super PAC and dark money spending against them next year. And we already know momentum will be on the side of Republicans because Democratic voters tend to get complacent after winning back the White House. We cannot afford to let the upcoming midterms end in defeat for Democrats.

We need to make sure we have the resources to have our candidates’ backs.

Thanks for all of your support.

Serve America