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Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18th, is Primary Election Day. We can't stay home. If good people stay home and don't vote, we'll let the wrong people make decisions for our country and our communities.

Here's what you need to know:
  • There will be constitutional amendment questions on the ballot, be sure to vote YES to reign in Gov Wolf's tyranny. The first two questions would ensure the state legislature gets a say in emergency declarations and would put a check on the Governor's power. Registered independents and third-party voters can vote on these questions. These constitutional amendments must pass.
  • Democrats can cross-file in some judicial and school board races. Be sure you know which candidates are REAL Republicans when you go to the polls.
I've included sample ballots below for Lancaster and York County.

Polls are open 7am - 8pm.

Thank you for your support in the fight for our values,

The location of your poll may have changed: click here to confirm your location.

For a full list of endorsed Republicans in School Board races:
Click here for Lancaster County
If you witness fraud at the polls tomorrow or have a question about the procedure, call the Republican Committee of Lancaster County at (717) 392-4165.
Mail-in Voting

If you requested but have not received your mail-in/absentee ballot,
here’s what you need to do:

➡ You can go in person to the County Board of Elections and cancel your existing request. Request a new ballot in person, complete the ballot and return it at the office.

➡ You can still go and vote in person at your poll; you will need to vote provisionally. They won’t scan your ballot at the poll. They’ll need to keep it aside and confirm later that you haven’t returned your mail-in/absentee ballot. Later, you will be able to call the board of elections to verify that they’ve counted your provisional ballot.

❗If you have received your mail-in/absentee ballot but now want to vote in person. Take your ballot and envelope to your poll on Election Day, surrender it, and you’ll be able to vote normally.

Email All Questions to: [email protected]

Our mailing address is:
902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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