The Kishinometer is back to help us keep track of our progress as we collect the required number of signatures to get our campaign on the ballot. To date we have 260 signatures that have been verified by the Registrar's offices and another 250 that have not yet been verified. We slowed down a little bit because I had a stomach bug, but I am confident that we'll make up the difference. This week I'll be spending some significant time at Sonoma State University, and next week I'll be at Santa Rosa Junior College. Somewhere in there, I'll also be spending some time at Tuoro University.

If you live in district 5, it's not too late to print a copy of the form yourself and sign it and then mail it to me. Let me know if you want to do that. We can also always use financial donations for gas and to print more fliers as we go. Your donations are what keep us going. Thank you for your contributions. Keep it up if you can, or if you have not yet sent a contribution, please do so if you can afford to.


This campaign is a campaign of the people, for the people and by the people. As such, it is funded by individual donations from people just like you. We do not accept corporate donations or money from lobbyists or super PACs. 

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Jason Kishineff for Congress 2018 · 100 Via Belagio · American Canyon, Ca 94503 · USA

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