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Time to Target Chinese Emissions

While much of the world is looking to slash emissions by unprecedented margins, Chinese emissions continue to grow every year – in 2020 alone, China contributed 27% of total global emissions. The Biden administration needs to apply pressure now, or risk losing the gains made by American and ally emissions reductions.

China's emissions now eclipse the developed world — preventing climate protection by Paul Bledsoe, The Hill

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New From The Experts 

> Reflections Across the Pond 

"Political trends in the United States and Great Britain often seem to move in parallel," writes PPI President Will Marshall. With a look at the latest election outcomes for Britain's flailing Labour Party, Marshall reads a warning for America's progressives in the English tea leaves. → "What the U.K. can teach the U.S. (again)," by Will Marshall, New York Daily News

> Degree-to-Career Pipelines

With the public launch of Biden's American Families Plan last week, we learned it would include $109 billion for two years of free community college for all Americans. But how can the Biden admin ensure this funding leads to labor market success?
→ "Ensuring That Degrees Lead to Labor Market Success," by Veronica Goodman, Medium
👂We're All Ears
The Some Politics team takes on the exciting prospect of America's reopening and what that will look like – just in time for summer.

As part of the Liberalism Around the World Series, Neoliberal Pod host Jeremiah Johnson welcomes Taipei-based reporters Angelica Oung and Kwangyin Liu to discuss the state of liberalism in Taiwan and the complicated political history of the island nation.

🔥 Hot Off the Press

> Time Is Money

In the throws of tax season, plenty of people are wondering why the process has to be so arduous. Find insight from PPI's Paul Weinstein Jr. in this latest op-ed.
The Washington Post


> Back to School 

LA Unified School District's back-to-school plan flopped. Tressa Pankovits scrutinizes the strategy and why only 7% of LA high school students returned to campus.
The Los Angeles Times


> Hacking Climate Policy 

PPI's go-to climate expert Paul Bledsoe says the Colonial pipeline hack provides ammo to the Biden admin to pitch Americans on upgrading to clean infrastructure.
 E&E News

> Science for the Future 

The House Science Committee released its edit of the bipartisan National Science Foundation for the Future Act last week. Caleb Watney weighs in on how an archaic grant system can compete with Beijing.
 National Journal


> Inventing the World

Missed the episode of Great Ideas featuring PPI's Ben Ritz? Read the transcript for the story of how the U.S. government invented the modern world. 
📊 Don't Miss These PPI Publications
The The Name: "Memo to President Biden: A Reality-Based Approach to Drug Pricing"

The Game: PPI Chief Economist Michael Mandel provides the blueprint for Biden to make medication more affordable, ASAP.
The Name: "Wind, Solar, and Gas: Managing the Risks of America's Clean Energy Transition"

The Game: Joe Biden has ambitious goals for zero carbon emissions from the U.S. power sector, this is how a variety of power sources will help keep the grid affordable and reliable.
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