Young people are tired of asking others to expand abortion access, so now we’re asking each other. Join YouthASC, and meet the needs of those in your community.
This morning, it finally happened. The Supreme Court took a case out of Mississippi that is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. It is the first time in 50 years the Supreme Court has considered if pre-viability abortion bans are allowed.
Now is the time to mobilize. Abortion is still legal in Mississippi and everywhere else, but this threat means we have to take matters into our own hands and do what we can to support one another in obtaining access to abortion, no matter what policy changes occur.
Young people know that we have the power to support each other, and make abortion access more of a reality for our communities. We’re tired of asking judges. Tired of asking legislators. Tired of asking parents and neighbors and mayors.
Young people are tired of asking others to expand abortion access, so now we’re asking each other. That's what YouthASC is all about.
We all need to become experts on how to get an abortion and how to connect other folks to abortion care. We need to learn about self-managed abortion and become resources for those who need to know more about it.
Tamara Marzouk Director, Abortion Access
Advocates for Youth
P.S. - We are specifically looking for young people ages 14-24 for this network. If you personally don't qualify, then Send this to two young people you know who could participate, or an adult ally who works with youth.
Advocates for Youth is a national nonprofit working to protect
young people’s sexual reproductive health and ensure their rights.
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