Great news! The Pet Safety and Protection Act (PSPA) was reintroduced into Congress last week by Representatives Mike Doyle (D-PA-14) and Chris Smith (R-NJ-4). This important piece of Federal legislation would protect companion animals from being stolen and sold for research experiments.
LCA first started investigating pet theft and the sale of stolen companion animals to research in 1988. The PSPA will put an end to USDA licensed Class B dealers that are behind this horrific pipeline of stolen dogs being sold to research. In 2006, HBO released the documentary, Dealing Dogs, detailing LCA's undercover investigation into pet theft and the nation's most notorious Class B dealer, C.C. Baird. Learn more about the PSPA here.
The PSPA has been introduced into Congress many times in the past, but it has failed to find support. This Bill has languished too long! We need to finally pass the PSPA and put an end to Class B dealers selling companion animals to research facilities. This issue is very important to me and is one of the original issues that LCA was founded on. The PSPA deserves a victory and so do the animals.