This is what building a movement is all about

Friends -

Election Day in Philadelphia's municipal primary is TOMORROW, and Bernie's hoping he can count on your vote for Larry Krasner for District Attorney.

All polling places in the city will be open tomorrow, May 18, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Use this link to confirm your polling location and get all the information you need to vote for Larry Krasner for District Attorney in tomorrow's municipal primary.


Larry Krasner's grassroots, people-powered campaign in 2017 sparked a wave of progressive criminal justice reform all across the country. Since then as District Attorney, he's been a leader in Philadelphia supporting victims and local communities, exonerating the innocent, and holding police accountable.

Larry has spent his time in office — and his entire career as a civil rights attorney — fighting for the people, and has successfully taken on a broken and corrupt system all across the city. Now we need to have his back when it matters most, to make sure he can continue our collective struggle for justice from the DA's office.

Confirm your polling location and be sure to make your voice heard in tomorrow's municipal primary in Philadelphia.

Fighting for transformative change and building power at local levels like this is what our movement has always been all about. As always, thank you for being a part of it.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie