From Chairman Allen West <[email protected]>
Subject Chairman Allen West's Monday Message - 5.17.21
Date May 17, 2021 3:31 PM
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Chairman Allen West's Monday Message for 5.17.21

Don't Touch a Hot Stove

"You can always count on Americans to do the
right thing - after they've tried everything else."
-- Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime
Minister of England
Greetings, everyone! I pray y'all had a very
fine weekend. I must admit, I hope that the Islamic jihadist
group, Hamas, did not have a good weekend . . . now and into the
future. See, if there is one thing that is enticing to
terrorists, depots, dictators, and authoritarians, it is
weakness. The enemies of liberty and freedom are once again
encouraged by the return of the feckless absence of leadership
emanating from our White House. If there is one thing former
President Jimmy Carter can be assured of, there are two
presidents worse than him.
That leads to the title of this week's
missive. How many of y'all have said to your children, or kids in
general, "don't touch a hot stove?" Yet, for some odd reason, the
kids always touch the stove and then realize it is hot, painful,
and they get burned.
I remember when as an inquisitive little
fella I was visiting Granddad Jule down in Cuthbert (Randolph
County) Georgia. I was sitting there in the living room with Dad
-- the wise ol' Buck West -- and Granddad, wondering how
electricity worked. Dad and Granddad tried to explain, but,
noooo, I wanted to conduct my own experiment which they cautioned
me not to do. I waited when they were not around and took a
hairpin, widened the two ends, and stuck it into the socket. A
very bad idea.
Yep, I got shocked, flew back, and the
imprints of the hairpin were burned into my little fingers. I ran
crying to Dad and Granddad who looked and said, "We told you not
to do it." Of course, to further exacerbate my folly, they poured
a mixture of alcohol and iodine on my fingers. That produced
another level of pain.
So, here we are America. Wise people have
said-- in essence -- "Do not touch the hot stove of progressive
socialism." Americans were warned by the astute and principled
constitutional conservatives not to go sticking a conduit into
the outlet of Marxism, statism, or communism. So now, we have a
nation in a state of shock: burned, and crying. Well, some are .
. . only a masochist likes pain.
Americans are sitting in gas lines, something
I recall from the days of the malaise of Jimmy Carter. We all
remember the rationing based on odd/even days on your license
plate dictating when you could go to the gas station. We are
seeing inflation rise and commodity prices soar; that is not
debatable. We have an employment crisis in America due to the
insidious policy of paying people to stay at home and not work.
And, I am quite sure many of you are truly exhausted by the
confusing rhetoric surrounding a virus, not a disease, with a
99.96 percent recovery rate.
Our borders are wide open. Our streets are
full of seditious, subversive leftist, Marxist organizations and
criminals being released by deranged leftist District Attorneys.
Our children are being murdered in the womb, disfigured by
maniacal doctors conducting gender reassignment surgeries, and
they are committing suicide at an alarming rate since leftist
teachers' unions keep their schools closed.
On the international front, Islamic
terrorists are rearing their ugly heads once again. Darn, we had
forgotten about them. The Taliban murdered over 60 little school
girls. Hamas is raining down rockets on Israel. You know, our
best ally is in the Middle East where, under President Trump, we
moved the US Embassy to its rightful location of Israel's
capital, Jerusalem. Yeah, I know, "orange man bad." Yet, orange
man did not mandate -- via Executive Order -- that
gender-dysphoric males would be competing in sports events with
Winston Churchill's quote at the top of this
missive is so appropriate. We must ask ourselves: will we do the
right thing after trying this foolishness? I will give the
progressive socialist left credit for being delusional and
tenacious. But, the pain of this walk down "stuck on stupid" lane
must end.
So, how does it end?
Republicans control 62 of 99 state
legislative bodies and we have a majority of Republican Governors
in America. I continue to hear, "wait until 2022 0r 2024!" There
is no need to wait. What we need are strong GOP legislatures,
unlike what happened in November of 2020. If our Republican
states invoked the 10th Amendment and the principle of
constitutional nullification, we could begin to heal from the
shock and burns we are receiving. Now, y'all know the left will
take that statement and start ranting about defying the White
House. Well, I tend to recall that leftist-controlled states were
the ones claiming they were "sanctuary cities and states," for
illegal immigrants. We also had fifteen leftist states seek to
undermine our electoral college by establishing the National
Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC).
So, what are our GOP states afraid of, after
all, failing leftist states are bleeding population into
successful Red States. Texas is about to gain two new
congressional districts?
A great example of Republican states
rejecting failed Obama-Biden policies are the 16 states saying no
to additional unemployment benefits meant to stifle economic
recovery. But I don't think Texas is one of them.
We should have no fear of HR 1, if we pass
strong election integrity laws. My prayer is that our Texas state
legislature will come through before the end of their 87th
legislative session. Who cares about HR 5, dubbed the "Equality
Act?" Pass strong religious freedom and liberty legislation at
the state level. HR 8 and Executive Orders about gun control?
Ahh, just pass constitutional carry in Texas, making it the 21st
state in America to have such. Pro forma proclamations of being a
Second Amendment sanctuary state are truly worthless. The US
Constitution is our rule of law and America is its sanctuary. If
the Governor of New York believes that he can mandate that the
Second Amendment stops at your door, well, that is
If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to
institute an open borders policy by Executive Order, well, Texas
and other Republican states should take control of their
respective borders. After all, Art. I, Section 10, Clause 3 and
Art. 4, Sect 4 of our Constitution address the issue.
When I torched my fingers after sticking that
hairpin in the electric outlet, Dad and Granddad explained, once
again, why they said it was a bad idea. Then, they treated my
wounds. The Republican Party must start now to treat the wounds
being experienced by America. We have tried the same failed
philosophy of governance other countries have . . . Most recently
Venezuela. Einstein is attributed with the quote, "the pure
definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing, and
expect different results."
Republicans have the opportunity to end the
insanity and do what is right, but it cannot be accomplished by
being a lesser version of the insane. My wise dad once quipped,
"the only thing in the middle of the road is roadkill." America,
Texas, is looking for committed, and convicted, constitutional
conservatives who will do the right thing for the interest of the
people, not their special or self-interest.

America, let's not be burned again . . . The
socialist stove is really hot.
Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)
Republican Party of Texas


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