
Valerie Jarrett, Tina Tchen, Mandy Meisner, Mitra Jalali -- and YOU!

That's some powerful company to keep, and you still have a couple of hours left to make it happen. Women in the West Wing is TONIGHT -- get your $100 or $35 Young Professional ticket now!

Women in the West Wing
with featured guests Valerie Jarrett and Tina Tchen
Monday, May 17, 2021 from 5:00 - 6:15 PM CST via Zoom

Scholarship tickets available. Please contact at [email protected] for more information.


Thank you to our generous hosts!
Cabinet Room Sponsor: Babette Apland | Cynthia Bauerly | Kate Bryant | Fran Davis | Emma Faris | Kathy Heltzer | Karen Hudson | Kim Isenberg | Ashleigh Leitch | Kathy Longo | Dr. Alice Mann | Suzan McGinnis | Andrea Mokros | Andrea Muller | Kathy Murphy | Alana Petersen | Betsy Sitkoff | Chanda Smith Baker | Jackie Statum Allen | Luchelle Stevens | Sarah Stoesz | Susan Thompson | KaYing Yang | Makeda Zulu-Gillespie
Roosevelt Room Sponsor: Susan Boren | Traci Esades | Lisa Hannum | Marjorie Hols | Andrea Jenkins for Ward 8 | Cathy Lawrence | Betsy & Brian Lucas | Kim Nelson | Charlaine Tolkien 
Rose Garden Sponsor: Carol Ball | Alana Bassin | Laura Bishop | Barb Davis | Lynne Kirklin | Becky Lourey | Peggy Lucas | Sharon Murphy Garber | Susan Zoidis
South Lawn Sponsor: Carla Adams | Karen Anderson | Ellen Archibald | Maureen Beck | Susan Brown | Shelley Carthen Watson | Jeannette Cleland | Jackie Craig | Nancy Etzwiler | Tracy Fischman | Minneapolis Park Commissioner Meg Fourney | Molly Gage | Carrie Hefte | Jelan Heidelberg | Rebecca Heltzer | Ellen Hertz | Sarah Holland | Ann Hustad | State Senator Mary Kunesh | Anne Mavity | Mary McKelvey | Sally Miller | Katherine Murphy | Gretcher Piper | Lisa Reed | Jennifer Rosenbaum | Davis Senseman | Catherine Shreves | Saraswati Singh | Sheila Sweeney | Nina Tuttle | Mary Werbalowsky

Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States