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MetroAccess OCC workers back at table after 1-day strike
Today's Labor Quote
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DC Labor FilmFest: Celebrating 20 Years of Great Labor Films!
WORK SONGS: [link removed] Tickets $12
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IDA B. WELLS: A PASSION FOR JUSTICE: [link removed] Tickets $5
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THE CHAMBERMAID [LA CAMARISTA]; [link removed] Tickets $5
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily
WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; [link removed] click here to hear today's report
[link removed] Airport Union Caucus: Mon, May 17, 11am - 12pm
Meeting of unions of airline and airport workers at DCA and Dulles.
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[link removed] Loudoun County Labor Caucus: Tue, May 18, 5pm - 6pm
[link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Weekly: Solidarity Works; Welcome to Uniontown; UnionDues; Union Strong; Monday Morning QB; Working People; The Docker Podcast.
MetroAccess OCC workers back at table after 1-day strike
MetroAccess Operations Call Center (OCC) workers, represented by Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 689, returned to work last Saturday after walking out on strike Friday morning ([link removed] click here for our full report), in protest of WMATA contractor MV Transportation's poor treatment and unfair labor practices. "We're done being disrespected," shop steward Tonia White [link removed] told The Washington Post during a boisterous picket Friday afternoon, where she said many of her colleagues are African American women, including struggling single mothers. "They absolutely refuse to give us what we're worth." [link removed] Click here to hear White on last Thursday's Your Rights At Work radio show on WPFW 89.3FM. MV Transportation, a private corporation, provides dispatch, reservation, and scheduling of all MetroAccess paratransit services. "There are still many issues to negotiate, but our riders come first and foremost for us," said John Costa, the union's international president. "We do reserve the right to walk off the job again" if the company doesn't bargain in good faith."
Today's Labor Quote: Robert Reich
"The GOP doesn't give a fig about working people. It is, and always will be the party of big business and billionaires."
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This week's Labor History Today podcast:[link removed] Passaic textile strike & LAWCHA preview. [link removed] Last week's show:[link removed] Sea Shanties and the Pleasure of Work
First women's anti-slavery conference, Philadelphia - 1838
Governor of California signs a law stating that 10 hours of work should constitute a legal day's work. - 1853
Supreme Court outlaws segregation in public schools - 1954
Twelve Starbucks baristas in a mid-town Manhattan store, declaring they couldn't live on $7.75 an hour, signed cards demanding representation by the Industrial Workers of the World, or Wobblies. Management roadblocks continue to deny the workers their union to this day - 2004
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Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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