Good evening and welcome to our Weekend Update. Yesterday was Armed
Services Day, and I want to thank all those in the military and our
brave veterans for their service.

This has been a tough week in a difficult year for our nation. Gas
shortage and rising prices, record numbers of illegal immigrants
crossing the border; our trusted ally Israel is under attack and the
Biden Administration has been anything but resolute in support of our
trusted ally, and our nation’s economic situation is worsening.
The Biden Administration's first 100 Days have not gone well.
Biden's talk of working in a bipartisan manner has proven to be empty
words. Click
here to read my recent op-ed on that subject.
Pipeline Problems:
The shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline has been the most disruptive
cyberattack on record. This pipeline feeds the nation's fuel supply
from Texas to New York. Despite the $5 million ransom payment and
assurances from the Biden Administration that fuel supplies would
return to normal, gas shortages and high gas prices remain. The
average price of gasoline nationally is $3.14, the most expensive
since October of 2014. Note, President Barack Obama and Vice President
Joe Biden were in office at that time. In D.C., 88% of gas stations
were without fuel on Friday afternoon. The Biden Administration
finally admitted that pipe is the best way to transport fuel. That is
an infuriating admission knowing that the Biden Administration
canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. See below.

Biden has overseen the most anti-energy agenda in our nation’s
history. Between rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement and canceling
the Keystone XL pipeline, he has killed millions of jobs, hurt
American families and made our nation less energy independent…. All in
about four months.
Israel Under Attack:
President Donald Trump
does not get near enough credit for the work he did to promote peace
across the world, particularly his administration’s success in the
Middle East. He achieved that by promoting peace, the idea that we can
all prosper, and did so while being unapologetically pro-Israel. Fast
forward a few months, and Biden has returned our nation to the same
failed foreign agenda of yesteryear.
Appeasement is not an effective strategy. Worse yet, many in his
own party are condemning Israel for defending its own citizens. I want
to make this clear… Israel is under attack by Hamas, an extremist
terrorist group funded by Iran. Hama uses their own women, children
and seniors as shields as they lob thousands of bombs at innocent
Israeli citizens. I support diplomacy, but that can only begin after
Hamas, a radical terrorist group, stops attacking Israel. If you
listened to some on the far left, they would tell you that Israel
should stop defending themselves and just allow these attacks and
innocents to die. Want an example of this logic? Click
here or below to watch CNN anchor Becky Anderson have her ignorant
arguments destroyed by former Israeli Defense Minister Naftali

We must stand with our ally Israel. I unequivocally condemn these
indiscriminate attacks directed towards Israel by Hamas. It is not
debatable; Israel has every right to defend itself and its citizens
from these acts of terrorism. The United States must immediately act
to provide continued support and security assistance to Israel.
Border Catastrophe Grows
We learned that the number
of illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border hit a
21-year high last month, according to data
released Tuesday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
In all, CBP encountered 178,622 people attempting to enter the
United States, a three percent increase from March, and the most
encounters in a single month since April of 2000, when 182,613 illegal
immigrants were apprehended. The April increase was driven by an 11.2
percent increase in the number of single adults attempting to enter
the US. A total of 111,301 were stopped by CBP in April, up from
100,104 in March.

The Biden Administration stopped construction of the wall on the
southern border and announced to the world that our borders are open.
With those actions, are we surprised illegal immigrants are streaming
across the border? I recently traveled to the southern border, and I
can tell you the situation is getting worse by the day. Our brave U.S.
Customs and Border Patrol, National Guard and law enforcement officers
are putting their lives on the line to protect our nation’s border,
and we owe each of them thanks. The best way to show them our
appreciation would be by reinvesting in building a wall and
reimplementing the “Remaining in Mexico” policy.
Killing American Jobs:
The April jobs report clearly shows that Joe Biden has squandered
the economic recovery he inherited. Under the leadership of President
Trump and Republicans in Congress, the economy recovered
56% of the jobs lost in the pandemic. Biden is not nurturing the
recovery; he is stifling it…
The unemployment rate ROSE
in April to 6.1 percent. This is the
first the unemployment rate has gone up during the
The economy added back just 266,000 jobs, well below economists’
expectations of 1 million jobs. This is “the
biggest miss, relative to expectations, in decades.”
The Labor Department revised the number of jobs added in March
down by
The deeper you dig, the worse this report gets. The Biden recovery
slowdown is especially hurting minorities and
- Black unemployment rate rose to 9.7 percent.
I spoke with Fox 56 about the poor April jobs report. Click
here or below to watch my interview.

In Congress, I am pleased to announce that a bill I
co-sponsored, H.R. 433, the Family Support Services for Addiction Act,
passed the U.S. House.
This legislation would create a $25 million grant program over five
years to help national and local nonprofit organizations provide
services for families impacted by addiction. The plight of addiction
continues to affect communities across the country and Pennsylvania,
especially during the pandemic. The Family Support Services for
Addiction Act would provide grants to community organizations that
offer critical support to families navigating complex insurance
coverage and treatment options, better allowing them to assist their
loved ones on the road to recovery. Click
here to read a story regarding the bill in the Wilkes-Barre
Times Leader.
This week, I attended the Lebanon County Law Enforcement Memorial
Service. Lebanon County District Attorney Pier Hess Graf delivered
inspirational comments in support of our brave law enforcement
officers. She also delivered a touching memorial to former State
Senator and District Attorney Dave Arnold. Dave dedicated his career
to law and order. The people of Lebanon County and the 48th District
miss him dearly. In addition to our brave law enforcement officers,
State Representatives Frank Ryan and Russ Diamond, County
Commissioners Bob Phillips and Bill Ames, and other local elected
officials were in attendance.

On Thursday, I joined Leader McCarthy and other Republican
colleagues on a bike ride to the National Law Enforcement Officers
Memorial, where we honored our fallen police officers. There I met
Acting Assistant Chief Sean Gallagher of the United States Capitol
Police, a Northeast Pennsylvania native.

We owe our continued support and gratitude to all of our men and
women in blue who wake up, put on their uniforms, and go to work
protecting and serving our communities every day, especially those who
have never returned home.
Before I discuss the importance of voting in the upcoming election,
I want to address my support for removing Rep. Liz Cheney from GOP
caucus leadership and supporting Rep. Elise Stefanik as Chair of the
House Republican Conference. First, I believe Rep. Cheney is a
dedicated public servant and someone I have enjoyed working with. I
actually voted to retain her after her impeachment vote, despite
strongly disagreeing with her position. But it became clear that we
must move on from Liz's leadership as her positions were divisive and
not uniting our caucus. With that being said, the mainstream media has
attempted to paint her ouster as the Republicans attempt to kick
people out of the party or support a smaller tent party. In many ways,
this move was made to expand our Party and be more inclusive.
The mainstream media is perpetuating this narrative to hurt the
GOP. We must not allow them to create controversy to divert attention
away from the important issues facing our nation, which I outlined in
detail above. I am proud to support Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and
look forward to supporting her in her new leadership position.
Additionally, I attended an event in support of Chris Gebhard,
Republican candidate for the 48th District. Chris is an
outsider and has spent his career in the private sector. Having a
similar background before entering public service, I know firsthand
that we need more people with Chris’s background in Harrisburg. I am
proud to endorse Chris, and I encourage you to support him in his
Special Election on Tuesday.

We have several important reasons to head to the polls on Primary
Election Day. First, we must elect our qualified slate of Republican
judicial candidates. I would strongly encourage you to join me in
voting for Judge Kevin Brobson for Supreme Court, Megan Sullivan for
Superior Court, and Judge Drew Crompton and Stacy Wallace for
Commonwealth Court. They have my full and unwavering support:

When voters head to the polls on Primary Election Day, May
18, they will have the chance to make amendments to the constitution.
The Governor's office has been accused of wording these questions in a
prejudicial and intentionally misleading way.
The first question asks whether the General Assembly should
be allowed to terminate an emergency declaration if a governor
continues to use emergency powers after a disaster has passed. By
voting YES, the General
Assembly will have a check on a governor's power during an emergency
to protect Pennsylvanians' rights.
The second question asks whether future emergency
declarations should be limited to 21 days unless extended by the
General Assembly.
A YES vote would remove a
governor's ability to unilaterally control for an indefinite period of
time during an emergency.
I would encourage you to
vote YES on both of these
constitutional amendments. It is important to have checks and balances
on executive power…whether they are Republican or Democrat, for the
sake of our constitutional government... especially when they infringe
upon our rights as Americans.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you soon,
