Dear John,
We all know that just a few billionaires control our news, protecting the interests of the wealthy few by spreading fear, confusion and division, while pretending to be the voice of the British public.
Do you find yourself looking for the stories that matter?
You are invited to be part of The Impossible, a platform which enables writers and artists at the global grassroots of the climate emergency to tell their truth. It’s a platform to build connections between people, and help us make sense of our living crisis.
The symptoms of the crisis are everywhere: inequality, injustice, corruption, exploitation.
It’s time to take the blinkers off and stop treating these symptoms individually. Do we really believe that economic inequality is disconnected from rising temperatures? Or that our mental health crisis has nothing to do with political policy?
Launching soon, The Impossible will feature stories of resilience and creativity from around the world to find a way through the crisis.
Subscribe now to be the first to hear them.
By sharing stories and raising up many new voices, The Impossible is an invitation to dare to broaden the collective horizon. We’ve got to—the current view sucks.
With love and rage,
The Impossible team