The Senate must expand ballot access and restore faith in our democracy. Send a message to your senators in support of S. 1, the For the People Act.
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On Tuesday, the Senate Rules Committee began markup of the For the People Act -- an important step toward advancing landmark voting rights reforms to strengthen our democracy.
During the hearing, Senate Republicans continued to spread dangerous misinformation about our elections, but they failed to prevent the bill from moving out of committee.
Now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer can finally bring the For the People Act to a vote on the floor of the Senate this summer. That means our efforts these next several weeks could determine whether or not we can get this legislation onto President Biden’s desk.
Urge your senators to end the filibuster and pass S. 1, the For the People Act, so President Biden can sign the bill into law: [link removed]
Senator Mitch McConnell has already made it his top legislative priority to block the For the People Act. Unless Senate Democrats remain united and work to reform the filibuster, McConnell could win this fight.
With the current makeup of the Senate, it’s nearly impossible to pass S. 1 unless the Democratic majority agrees to end the filibuster -- an obsolete rule that prevents the Senate from passing common sense, popular legislation with a simple majority. Senate Democrats must ask themselves which they value more -- an arcane rule or democracy itself?
The stakes could not be higher. After their loss in 2020, the GOP has decided their best path to power is to suppress voter turnout. Since last year, Republican legislators in 48 states have introduced over 400 bills that would make it harder to vote. We can count on this troubling trend to continue unless Congress takes the necessary steps to protect the right to vote.
Write to the Senate: Pass the For the People Act and abolish the filibuster if that is what is required to save our democracy: [link removed]
Thank you,
Lillie Catlin
National Programs Director
NextGen America
NextGen America
268 Bush St. #2919
San Francisco CA 94104-3503
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