From Team Women Winning <[email protected]>
Subject [TICKET ALERT] Women in the West Wing is TOMORROW!
Date May 16, 2021 3:00 PM
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Women in the West Wing is TOMORROW -- get your ticket and join hundreds of your fellow pro-choice champions for this incredible event! [[link removed]]
We are thrilled to spend an evening with Valerie Jarrett and Tina Tchen, two of the most influential trailblazers in the Obama Administration and in Washington D.C., for an engaging, behind-the-scenes conversation about women’s leadership in the White House and beyond.
Plus, we’ll celebrate AAPI Heritage month and the power of representation with local powerhouses Anoka County Commissioner Mandy Meisner and St. Paul City Councilor Mitra Jalali.
You don’t want to miss this -- be ‘in the room where it happens’ and get your ticket for Women in the West Wing NOW! [[link removed]] $35 Young Professional tickets available!
Women in the West Wing!
with featured guests Valerie Jarrett and Tina Tchen Monday, May 17, 2021 from 5:00 - 6:15 PM CST via Zoom [link removed] [[link removed]]Scholarship tickets available. Please contact at [email protected] for more information.
Thank you to our generous hosts! Cabinet Room Sponsor: Babette Apland | Cynthia Bauerly | Kate Bryant | Fran Davis | Emma Faris | Kathy Heltzer | Karen Hudson | Kim Isenberg | Ashleigh Leitch | Kathy Longo | Dr. Alice Mann | Suzan McGinnis | Andrea Mokros | Andrea Muller | Kathy Murphy | Alana Petersen | Betsy Sitkoff | Chanda Smith Baker | Jackie Statum Allen | Luchelle Stevens | Sarah Stoesz | Susan Thompson | KaYing Yang | Makeda Zulu-Gillespie Roosevelt Room Sponsor: Susan Boren | Traci Esades | Lisa Hannum | Marjorie Hols | Andrea Jenkins for Ward 8 | Cathy Lawrence | Betsy & Brian Lucas | Kim Nelson | Charlaine Tolkien Rose Garden Sponsor: Carol Ball | Laura Bishop | Barb Davis | Lynne Kirklin | Becky Lourey | Peggy Lucas | Sharon Murphy Garber | Susan Zoidis South Lawn Sponsor: Carla Adams | Karen Anderson | Ellen Archibald | Maureen Beck | Susan Brown | Shelley Carthen Watson | Jeannette Cleland | Jackie Craig | Nancy Etzwiler | Tracy Fischman | Minneapolis Park Commissioner Meg Fourney | Molly Gage | Carrie Hefte | Jelan Heidelberg | Rebecca Heltzer | Ellen Hertz | Sarah Holland | Ann Hustad | State Senator Mary Kunesh | Anne Mavity | Mary McKelvey | Sally Miller | Katherine Murphy | Gretcher Piper | Lisa Reed | Jennifer Rosenbaum | Davis Senseman | Catherine Shreves | Saraswati Singh | Sheila Sweeney | Mary Werbalowsky[[link removed]]
Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States
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