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The Latest Research, Commentary, And News From Health Affairs

May 16, 2021
Dear John,

Read on for highlights from Health Affairs this week.
Disparities In COVID-19 Cases, Telehealth & More
Ahead of Print
In a paper released ahead of print, Marissa Reitsma and coauthors analyzed COVID-19 disparities in terms of structural risk exposures, testing, test positivity, and COVID-19 cases in California, the state with the most COVID-19 deaths in the country.

They found that, from March 22 through October 3, 2020, among cases with known race/ethnicity, 70 percent were among Latino people, compared with their 39.1 percent state population share. Further,
death rates during that time for
both Latino and Black populations were more than 1.5 times higher than those in the state’s White population.

Several May papers discuss private equity firms’ practices in health care.

In the first, Anaeze Offodile II and coauthors provide an overview of private equity acquisitions of acute care hospitals. They found that acquisitions occur predominantly in the Mid-Atlantic and Southern US and are more likely to be for-profit hospitals in urban areas. They also found that on average private equityacquired hospitals had higher operating margins than non-acquired hospitals.

Robert Tyler Braun and colleagues estimated the prevalence of acquisitions and their impact on dermatology prices, spending, utilization, and volume of patients. They determined that private equity acquisition leads to dermatologists seeing up to 17 percent more patients after two years and charging more for routine visits

In another new paper, Ameet Sarpatwari and colleagues examine pricing trends for three classes of widely used diabetes drugs. They report that monthly list prices of GLP1 agonists, DPP4 inhibitors, and SGLT2 inhibitors on average increased approximately 10 percent annually from market entry through 2017.

Aayan Patel and coauthors investigate recent trends in generic drug prices. They found that from 2014–17, one in five generic drugs had a price spike initiated by at least one manufacturer, leading to an estimated $1.5 billion in excess Medicaid spending during 2014–16.

Children’s Mercy hospital in Kansas City has played a pioneering role in pursuing patient- and family-centered care. As part of Health AffairsLeading To Health series, the May 2021 issue features an article by David Tuller about Children’s Mercy’s efforts to involve families in their system.

This week on Health Affairs Blog we featured a special collection of new pieces identifying key considerations for charting telehealth’s course.

Francis Crosson proposes that now is the time to examine innovative payment and information-sharing models.

Chad Ellimoottil draws on emerging evidence to counter arguments against continuing payment parity for telehealth after the pandemic ends.

Kyle Thomson draws attention to an under-the-radar statutory provision in the Social Security Act that will result in most Medicare beneficiaries losing access to telehealth at the end of the current public health emergency—unless Congress acts.

Joseph Liss, David Peloquin, and Barbara Bierer call for a new licensure system, based on nursing’s successful model, that would enable physicians to practice across state borders—enabling the replacement of in-person visits with telehealth.

Amol Navathe and Joshua Liao encourage policy makers to view telehealth as an opportunity to fundamentally rethink care delivery under alternative payment models.

Featured This Week
Racial/Ethnic Disparities In COVID-19 Exposure Risk, Testing, And Cases At The Subcounty Level In California
Marissa B. Reitsma et al.

Private Equity Investments In Health Care: An Overview Of Hospital And Health System Leveraged Buyouts, 2003–17
Anaeze C. Offodile II et al.

Private Equity In Dermatology: Effect On Price, Utilization, And Spending
Robert Tyler Braun et al.

Podcast: Breaking Down How Pharmacy Deserts And Access Relate To Health Equity
Alan Weil and Jenny Guadamuz

Diabetes Drugs: List Price Increases Were Not Always Reflected In Net Price; Impact Of Brand Competition Unclear
Ameet Sarpatwari et al.

Frequency Of Generic Drug Price Spikes And Impact On Medicaid Spending
Aayan N. Patel et al.

Gaining Family Input At A Children’s Medical Center
David Tuller

Podcast: Three Unanswered Questions For Telehealth's Future
Rob Lott and Chris Fleming

A Health Podyssey

Breaking Down How Pharmacy Deserts And Access Relate To Health Equity

Listen to Health Affairs Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interview Jenny Guadamuz from the University of Southern California School of Pharmacy on pharmacy access and closures.

On The Blog This Week
As States Continue To Experiment In Medicaid, Look To Section 1115 Waiver Evaluations To Understand What Works
Lauren Gerlach and Mona N. Shah

Re-Imagining The Asylum System: Recommendations From Asylum Medicine Experts
Physicians for Human Rights Asylum Policy Working Group

COVID-19 Data On Trans And Gender-Expansive People, Stat!
Meg Perret et al.

The Coming Conflict Over Tele-Visits: The Need For Innovation In Payment And Information Sharing
Francis J. Crosson

Understanding The Case For Telehealth Payment Parity
Chad Ellimoottil

Congress: Act Now To Ensure Telehealth Access For Medicare Beneficiaries
Kyle Thomson

Mutual Recognition Of Physician Licensure By States Would Provide For Better Patient Care
Joseph M. Liss et al.

How Telehealth Can Enable New Care Management Strategies In Alternative Payment Models
Amol S. Navathe and Joshua M. Liao

Modernizing Medicare Coverage Pathways For Prescription Digital Therapeutics
Nisarg Patel

Payment Reform For Nursing To Advance Health Equity: The Future Of Nursing 2020-2030 NAM Report
Marshall H. Chin and Maureen Bisognano

Reauthorize The Violence Against Women Act To Improve Health Care For Survivors Of Relationship And Sexual Violence
Zoe Matticks and Allie Liss

Medicare For All? Start At The Beginning: Cover All Births And Modernize Maternity Care
Amy Romano and J.D. Kleinke

It Was The Government That Produced COVID-19 Vaccine Success
Richard G. Frank et al.

Health Affairs This Week
Three Unanswered Questions For Telehealth's Future

Listen to Health Affairs' Rob Lott and Chris Fleming discuss the three major unanswered questions about the future of telehealth.
Pre-order A Discounted Copy Of Next Month's Issue
About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Health Affairs, 7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814, United States

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