Why does Israel have to tolerate this? What would expect YOUR government to do if it was your city that was being rocketed by terrorist organizations? Shame on much of the mainstream media for it's despicable anti-Israel bias.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

WATCH: Beachgoers run for their lives on Tel Aviv beach as sirens ring - Geller Report News
Why does Israel have to tolerate this? What would expect YOUR government to do if it was your city that was being rocketed by terrorist organizations? Shame on much of the mainstream media for it's despicable anti-Israel bias.

Wuhan Lab DELETED Fauci’s NIH and Gain of Function Mentions From Old Web Pages in Early 2021 - Geller Report News
First Fauci helped fund the lab-created disease and then he was put in charge of it. Unelected, and highly partisan, Fauci was given immense, unimaginable power. And he wielded like a club. You can't make this stuff up.

Wisconsin General Assembly Votes To Investigate 2020 Presidential Election - Geller Report News
This is HUGE especially in light of the bombshells coming out of Arizona forensic audit.

HATING AMERICA: "Biden" Kills Trump’s ‘National Garden Of American Heroes and Monument Protections - Geller Report News
Democrats hate America. Despise her. The hatred of the good for being the good.

NY Democrat-Nazi Lawmaker Phara Souffrant Forrest Erases Israel Off Map - Geller Report News
Horrible. The "progressive" left is virulently antisemitic.

WATCH: Muslims TORCH FIVE SYNAGOGUES in Lod - Geller Report News
Like Kristallnacht. Silence from the world. Racist low-lives. Jews would never do burn a mosque but imagine the worldwide rage and recrimination, if they did. I am so bloody sick of these bloodthirsty Nazis and their lapdogs in the Democrat media ...

Israel Tricks Hamas With Brilliant Tactical Move, Then Launches Ferocious Air Campaign - Geller Report News
Facebook Twitter Google+ Brilliant job. The IDF deceived Hamas into thinking a ground campaign in Gaza was imminent. This “provoked Hamas to send its anti-tank missile teams and mortar squads that were set to attack Israeli forces into what the ...

Jewish Voice For Peace and Israel’s 'Medical Apartheid' - Geller Report News
The vile Jewish Voice for Peace is an anti-Israel pro-Palestinian group of far-left Jews that has become ever more absurd in the charges it flings at the Jewish state.

POLL: New DeSantis Numbers Are in From Florida, and They Should Terrify Democrats - Geller Report News
Governor DeSantis is holding double digit leads over his potential opponents for the 2022 Florida gubernatorial election.

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