Relocated: For years, photographer and filmmaker Isley Reust jostled with others in Los Angeles to get ahead in the industry. In 2018, she decided to move to one of the most remote towns in Iceland, PetaPixel reports. Her one-bedroom home, at the outskirts of a fishing village of 2,500 people, is surrounded by mountains and the sea. “The only dangers here,” says the regular runner and hiker, “are avalanches and rockslides.”
Long exposure: At first blush, this “camera” is just a tin can, a sheet of photographic paper, and a pinhole. But it can take a 10 million-second exposure of the Sun—depending on how long you leave it tied to your roof, Fstoppers writes. You have a question? Oh, 10 million seconds is just shy of 115 days and 18 hours.
Facing hate: For the past year, photographer Eric Lee tried to protect himself and family members from the pandemic. Now Lee, one of several Asian American and Pacific Islander photojournalists recounting these past months to NPR, has different worries—of some hate-filled person pushing his grandparents down in the middle of the street or punching them out of their walkers. “If hate is a virus,” Lee told NPR, “there is no vaccine.”