I need a partner in City Hall who will make sure that we ALL recover, who will put working New Yorkers first, and who won't rest while inequity exists.

Friend -- I'm hoping to talk to you today about my friend, Maya Wiley.

Right now, my constituents in Brooklyn, Queens, and Lower Manhattan are struggling under the effects of the pandemic and the systemic issues that have existed in our city long before COVID-19. I need a partner in City Hall who will make sure that we ALL recover, who will put working New Yorkers first, and who won't rest while inequity exists. That's why I'm supporting Maya Wiley to be the next Mayor of our great city. 

Maya has a plan to fight for our small businesses -- the backbone of our city. And between her New Deal New York plan, Care Economy plan, Environmental Justice plan, and Gun Violence Prevention plan, she is the leader who can make real change for all New Yorkers.  

I share Maya's vision to reimagine New York City as a place where all can stay and live with dignity. Help make her vision a reality by donating $5 or more to her campaign now >>


Maya Wiley has fought for justice for her entire career and has blazed every trail she's charted -- including the path to City Hall. She's not afraid to stand up for what's right, even when it's unpopular. She walked side by side with city residents throughout this entire campaign, and she'll do the same when she wins this race. 

But the path to becoming the first Black woman Mayor of New York City is challenging. These next few weeks of the campaign will be her toughest to date. There's so much outside spending in this race, so we can't risk her voice being drowned out. 

Maya is facing the biggest deadline of the campaign so far, the May 17 public matching funds filing period. Her team told me they aren't on track to hit their $100,000 goal, so I asked how I could help. They said sending you an email could go a long way to bring in needed small-dollar donations.

So please, join me in the fight to elect Maya Wiley as the first Black woman Mayor of New York City. Chip in to her historic campaign now.

Thank you,

Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress

Contributions or gifts to Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress are not tax deductible.

Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress
315 Inspiration Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
United States