Remember, the Deep State wants every infant, child, teen, adult and senior force vaccinated under all circumstance. Anyone who questions their evil plans will be shut down. Remember to speak up every chance you get - we are at war right now!

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This all natural mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized, and then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then "caged" and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Hence, why many people notice such drastic improvements in a short amount of time!

Touchstone Essentials supports medical freedom and supports my work, and therefore you get $50 off your first purchase when you sign up for auto shipment (cancel any time), and they even include free shipping (US, UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ)! This zeolite detox really is worth trying! Children benefit too - especially vaccine injured ones. Click on over to learn more... 


~ Larry Cook



Anything can happen. At any time.


Starting May 25th, FOR A LIMITED TIME and for the first time ever, you get access to the world’s experts as they come together and openly share exactly what you can do now to be prepared for what’s next.





The Deep State Created A List Of Anti-Vaxxers To Shut Down - Now Erin Elizabeth is the latest to fall.

I didn't even know Erin had been deplatformed off of Facebook and Instagram until she sent me a text yesterday. She had a HUGE following on both platforms and of course, that's why they went after her. Last month, she was named as one of the “disinformation dozen” in a report by the Center for Countering Digital Hate. Right.

Remember, the Deep State wants every infant, child, teen, adult and senior force vaccinated under all circumstance. Anyone who questions their evil plans will be shut down. Remember to speak up every chance you get - we are at war right now!

Follow Erin Elizabeth on Twitter and Telegram.




Repost My Vaccine Death Stories Onto Your Website!

If you have a website you are welcome to repost any of the 25 vaccine death stories I have on my website! Just go to my vaccine death page and select a story to post onto your website! Let's get the word out that vaccines killl babies!

25 Vaccine Death Stories


Help Wake Up Parents!

COPY & PASTE the following text into all your social media:

Court Awards $137,500 for vaccine death: “I lost my daughter Peyton at 6 weeks old, approximately 12 hours after receiving her two month vaccinations, when she was a month and 12 days old. She was given eight total vaccines. The VICP process took approximately 2-1/2 years. In that time, all my questions were answered. The medical experts found the evidence that proved that the DTaP, Hib, Hepatitis B, PCV, IPV and Rotavirus vaccines, were in fact, the cause of her death.”


I Could Use Your Help!!!

Six years ago when I set up my Stop Mandatory Vaccination website I created a tab called TAKE ACTION where parents and others could find groups and organizations in their state to join and help fight vaccine mandates. 

Last night I went through the list and discovered that half of the websites were no longer working, and I deleted them. 

If you know of a medical freedom group in your state that HAS A WEBSITE and it is NOT on my list, will you email me and let me know?

Just take a look right here at my current list.

Also, if you see any Facebook links no longer working, please let me know since I cannot access those pages and groups.

Thank you much!

Larry Cook


Take my free 12-part course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass.

~ Larry Cook


Follow me on other social media:


Stop Mandatory Vaccination
Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass



Stop Mandatory Vaccination Official MeWe Group
Vaccine Free Parenting (on Gab)
Medical Freedom Patriots Larry's Community

COVID-19 REFUSERS Larry's Community



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