Dear Partners, 

Struck down earlier in the year, Arkansas and Kentucky's Medicaid work requirements are back in court on appeal. Oral arguments are set for October 11. We invite you to join us on Friday, October 11 at 2 pm EST for a webinar to hear same day reactions and policy implications.

Register for the Webinar Here


Featured Speakers Include:
  • Eliot Fishman, Senior Director of Health Policy, Families USA
  • Joe Weissfeld, Director of Medicaid Initiatives, Families USA 
  • Jason Dunn, Policy Analyst, Kentucky Voices for Health 
  • Leonardo Cuello, Director of Health Policy, National Health Law Program 

We hope you can join us on Friday, October 11 at 2 pm EST for this informative discussion!

To your health, 
Patrick Willard, Senior Director of State and National Strategic Partnerships 
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