Hi Friend,

Fox News’ Gregg Jarrett recently wrote: 

“Never before has so much power been held by so few. And never before has that power been so egregiously abused.

The censorship applied to American news consumers by Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Google, and Apple must be broken up. They have evolved into massive monopolies that pose a grave danger to democracy by suppressing speech with which they disagree."

Protect Free Speech

We see it time and again with our own content on our Independent Women’s Forum and Independent Women’s Voice social media accounts… and it’s even worse on our Independent Women’s Voice private Facebook group. 

Facebook goes so far as to “fact check” every single post or comment from group members (even after our incredibly knowledgeable policy and communications staffers do). 

Then, they slap us on the wrist, “mute” members, delete comments or posts they don’t like or agree with while claiming it’s “false” or “missing context,” and remove members from the group or the platform.

Facebook also forces us to take draconian measures to avoid having our account completely shut down. Facebook reduces our group “quality score” (which affects whether or not people see the group or any of its posts) if we don’t delete the comments or posts ourselves, and even threatens to shut down our group or block people from joining it. 

Yet, Facebook “fact checkers” have falsely labeled many factually correct comments or posts as false. They have blocked information and articles that were rooted in data, history, or science. And they have silenced opinions they didn’t like.

Facebook is flat-out censoring speech. We see it every day… and we’ve had enough.

Join us in speaking out against the censorship happening on these big tech platforms and mainstream media.

Sign the Free Speech Pledge


Victoria Coley