No matter what your story is: we want to hear it. 

Dear Supporter,

Great news! Our Co-Founder and Executive Director Emily May and Deputy Director Jorge Arteaga are teaming up to write a book on Hollaback!’s 5D’s of bystander intervention.  The  book will be called I’ve Got Your Back: Your Guide To Bystander Intervention In Public, Online, Or At Work and it is being published by Abrams Books, to be released Spring 2022.

But we need your help. To ensure this book drives people to take action and intervene on behalf of others, we need your stories of bystander intervention. Your stories fuel and inspire us as a team, and we are witnesses to the powerful effect they have on others. 

If your story is chosen for the book, you’ll get a free, signed copy as soon as it’s released.

We also believe your stories have the potential for a much bigger impact.  We are looking for stories about all forms of harassment -- whether it be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, sizeist, you name it. And we’re looking for stories where:

  • No one intervened on your behalf, even though other people were around.
  • Someone intervened on your behalf.
  • You intervened on someone else’s behalf.

It can be a simple story, like a knowing glance. It can be a story that happened at work, online, or in the street. No matter what your story is: we want to hear it. 

We chose to write about bystander intervention, because we believe these tools can empower anyone to disrupt a moment of harassment and disrespect. And with each bystander intervention story we received from you in the past, we learned that human empathy and creativity are present everywhere

We want to represent all kinds of intervention in our upcoming book, and are asking for your help to uplift these kinds of bystander stories. 

If you’ve ever submitted a story to us before, or are planning to right now, we want to thank you for the trust you place in us. We’ll reach out to you by the fall to confirm if your story is included in the book or not, and to double check and make sure you’re comfortable with how we’re sharing it.  We hope this book can be a useful resource for you, and we’re excited to give you more updates in the future. 

With Love,
