From Jerry Moran <[email protected]>
Subject Stop the Socialist Democrat Agenda
Date May 14, 2021 9:25 PM
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Earlier this week I joined with Freedom Works’ Adam Brandon in an op-ed on Fox News [[link removed]] about the grave threat posed to free speech in America by the Democrats' push to pass S. 1 / H.R. 1.

Democrats led by President Biden, Leader Schumer and Speaker Pelosi have turned the issue of free speech into a cynical game while pursuing an agenda which will have a chilling effect on the free exchange of ideas.

>>> We Must Protect Our Freedoms <<< [[link removed]]

I hope you to take a few minutes to read the op-ed [[link removed]] but also to spread the word with your friends and family about the truly dangerous ramifications of the Democrat agenda with S. 1 / H.R. 1. Their effort to gain additional power to silence the view of those who challenge their policies should concern every American.

This legislation must be stopped. But even more importantly, we must all redouble our efforts to fight the socialist Democrat agenda and Fire Schumer in 2022.

Our freedoms hang in the balance.

Thank you for your support!

Jerry Moran

Paid for by Moran for Kansas, Inc. UNSUBSCRIBE [link removed]
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