Illegal border crossings reach historic high Poll: Voters understand Biden's immigration agenda is fueling border crisis. We MUST defeat Pres. Biden's immigration agenda.
Dear John, The U.S. Customs and Border Enforcement announced that last month, 173,000 illegal aliens were apprehended at the border, more than at any time in decades. That's a solid measure of more illegal border crossings, not better enforcement. In fact, the Washington Post reports the number of illegal aliens arrested or deported dropped to an all-time low As President Biden is promising amnesty and making clear that the U.S. will no longer deport even many types of dangerous, violent criminals, naturally, illegal immigration is surging! American voters understand this connection. April's Harvard/Harris poll reveals that "immigration" is the second most pressing issue in the country for registered voters, behind only the pandemic. When asked how serious illegal immigration was for the country today, 80% said it was "very/somewhat serious," as opposed to only 20% who thought it was not serious. Most tellingly, 65 percent of voters agree that Biden's executive orders "encourage" illegal immigration. More than ever, Americans feel a need to directly connect with their elected officials. NumbersUSA exists to provide a voice for hundreds of thousands of Americans to simply, effectively communicate with them on the all-important issue of immigration, using our free messages, toll-free phone calls, and lobbying on Capitol Hill. No other organization on any other issue provides such a service to so many people. Too many Congressional leaders are trying to codify Pres. Biden's neglect into law... maybe even trying to use the infrastructure spending bill to avoid a filibuster. Promoters of massive, uncontrolled immigration have long pushed the crazy argument that America doesn't have enough workers. Those arguments take nerve since millions of Americans remain jobless. Yet you would think even the most hardened cheap labor advocates would at least agree we don't need more criminals?! Final votes on Biden's agenda might not happen for a while, but behind-the-scenes discussions are already happening. Some Republican senators are even suggesting that they might support the Democrats' amnesties (and increases in immigration numbers) in exchange for Pres. Biden agreeing to build the wall. Of course, no wall will work if people are simply allowed to walk up to it, claim asylum, and get in! NumbersUSA is already fighting these back-room deals. We need to be ready when legislation is set to be voted on. We need adequate funding! Can you help us? I know I'm preaching to the choir as I tell you all this, John. But I need your help. WE need your help. America needs her voters to know the truth about illegal immigration, and the way so much of legal immigration is driven by amnesties and other rewards for past illegal immigration. NumbersUSA started out pressing for Congress to implement the reforms recommended by civil rights pioneer Barbara Jordan and the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform that she chaired. We grew explosively during the fight against the amnesties championed by Presidents Bush and Obama. Now, we have eight million activists helping spread the word about how harmful our immigration policies are. With their help, voters have seen our social-media posts billions of times, and watched our videos hundreds of millions of times. But obviously, that's not enough. Our biggest fights lie ahead. We need your help to protect America from immigration policies that are borderline insane. We need your help mobilizing that opposition into voters who speak up. Otherwise, immigration will simply be another one of those issues that Congress knows most people are mad about, but no one DOES anything about. We can't do that without your financial support. Our NumbersUSA Action fund can't get grants from tax-free foundations. We rely on our activists like you. Thank you for your activism! But we also need your donations to keep everything running... to research legislation... to draft letters for you to send... to pay for our programming and telecommunications infrastructure. Many, many of our members are among those hurt by job losses due to unnecessary immigration, a problem that existed long before the pandemic just made it even more difficult. Many simply can't afford to help us with these costs, and we need to keep our army of activists as large and well-informed as we can. If you can afford to help, would you please? You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Thank you, Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].