Resources for you — Classified Week, pandemic relief, conference
Thank you classified staff!
Thank you for everything you do to contribute to the success of our schools, colleges, students and communities — especially during these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CFT is celebrating your work during Classified School Employee Appreciation Week. Please enjoy and share our classified week edition of your union newsletter and give a shout out to your staff colleagues!
Pandemic underscores essential nature of classified work
During the past 15 months, techs helped power an overnight transition to online learning, custodians learned how to hit back at the coronavirus, health aides are now on the front lines of reopening schools, and the union helped members get their COVID-19 vaccines. Learn about it all in our pandemic update.
Berkeley member dodges eviction, buys home with help of new state law
Jocelyn Foreman is a take-charge community outreach specialist who has helped hundreds of Berkeley families keep their kids in school during medical and economic emergencies. Foreman is legendary and beloved. Only a handful of people knew she was also homeless. A new state law helped Foreman buy her rental house. Don't miss this story of redemption!
New CFT identity brings more recognition to classified
This spring, CFT launched a new identity in recognition of its diverse membership. A primary goal of the rebrand was to integrate the tagline A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals to acknowledge that CFT represents more than teachers. Learn more about the more inclusive new CFT identity
Double duty — classified employees help govern their towns as elected officials
Every day, dozens of CFT members finish their work, pivot, and begin a second job as an elected official. When Juan Orozco isn’t working with teens in the Mendocino County Office of Education, he is serving as mayor of Ukiah. Pacifica voters have elected Jefferson Union High School District school bus driver Mike O’Neill to public office for a quarter century. Learn about these classified employees who have taken the bold step to run for public office.
Two sponsored bills seek parity for classified staff
One CFT-sponsored bill would make the layoff process for classified staff the same as it is for teachers. Another would align the probation period for community college staff by seeking to reduce probation in non-merit districts from one year to six months. Learn more about CFT's efforts for classified employees in the California Legislature.
Classified Conference – join us in Las Vegas October 15!
At our Classified Conference this fall, you can look forward to a
pre-pandemic line-up of events with plenary sessions, meal events, workshops, and social events. The theme of our conference is “Classified Professionals — The Heart of Education.” Registration opens in June.
The CFT lobbied successfully to continue funding for the Classified School Employee Summer Assistance program, which allows classified employees in K-12 districts to withhold up to 10 percent of their monthly salary during the school year, and receive that money — matched by the state up to a dollar for dollar — during the summer. Get the full scoop here.
CFT – A Union of Educators and Classified Professionals
Jeffery M. Freitas, President
Luukia Smith, Secretary-Treasurer
L. Lacy Barnes, Senior Vice President
Please send comments and letters to the editor.
Classified Insider, Spring 2021 | Volume 11, Number 2
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