
One of the Texas Freedom Network’s most important programs is Texas Rising, which has been organizing young progressive Texans on college and university campuses across the state for 14 years. So please join us in congratulating the many fantastic Texas Rising activists who are finishing their degrees this month.

These Texas Rising graduates have persevered through unprecedented circumstances to reach this milestone. They have earned their degrees in the midst of a global pandemic, all while registering thousands of their peers to vote and getting them out to the polls, organizing numerous campus and online events, and testifying before the Legislature and the State Board of Education on critical issues like voting rights, LGBTQ equality, reproductive freedom and climate change. We are truly proud of them and all the work we’ve accomplished together. 

These young Texans are joining the many Texas Rising alumni who have used their education and skills in grassroots activism to keep working for a more progressive and just Texas by: 

  • Continuing their education in law, public policy, social work and more 
  • Working on political campaigns to elect champions for equality and social justice
  • Running for (and winning) elective office themselves
  • Taking leadership positions at TFN and other progressive organizations
  • Bringing their perspectives and desire for positive social change to corporate and other professional careers 

Our Texas Rising program and organizing model aim to empower young activists with the tools, skills and knowledge to advocate for the issues that are important to them, their communities and this state. We are working to “build and fill the bench” with talented, politically savvy and experienced people to be the next generation of leaders in Texas. We can’t wait to see what they go on to do! 

Please consider honoring the amazing Class of 2021 activists and help us continue this important work with a contribution to our Texas Rising program today. Your tribute will help ensure our programming is strong for the incoming class of 2025 and beyond. 

With gratitude,

Rae & Osmara 
Texas Rising Senior Director & Deputy Director


Support Texas Rising with a Gift Today!

Texas Rising is a program of Texas Freedom Network.
We are a movement of young, diverse Texans committed to equality and social justice.

Texas Rising | TFN
Texas Freedom Network
P.O. Box 1624
Austin, TX 78767
United States
Phone: (512) 322-0545
