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Biden's Return to the 70s

It was quite the bad week for Joe Biden and his handlers. The president found a way to condense four years of Jimmy Carter’s hapless presidency into one week. Over the last few days we’ve experienced gas lines and shortages in several states, the highest inflation in over a decade, rockets raining down on one of America’s closest allies, Israel, the highest gas prices since 2015 and the worst jobs report in recent memory. For a guy who came to Washington in the 1970s, it should come as little surprise that the president has such an affinity for the days of “malaise.” Just over 100 days in and Biden and his handlers have done little to unite our country and move forward. Instead they’ve created crisis after crisis and are doing very little to fix the problems they've created.

Compare that to Indiana where we continue to surge ahead despite the negative headwinds from Washington. Governor Holcomb is building One Indiana for All and isn’t letting the disfunction at the national level slow the state down. In the last few months alone, Governor Holcomb has secured major job commitments from Amazon, Toyota, and Apple. These commitments will mean nearly $1 billion of investment into our state and nearly 3,000 new jobs for Hoosiers. As the governor said on Inside Indiana Business this week (link below) “Hope is alive and dirt is turning.” The rest of the nation can learn leadership and management lessons from Indiana and I can only hope Biden and his DC handlers are taking note.



Photo: Chairman Hupfer participates via Zoom in the Indiana Latino Institute's legislative advocacy virtual wrap-up session 

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was

Building One Indiana for All

Governor Holcomb sat down for an interview on Inside Indiana Business with Gerry Dick to discuss Indiana's record breaking economic development numbers and the huge news that three of the world's biggest businesses have chosen Indiana to invest in Indiana and create new Hoosier jobs. In a ten day span, Apple, Amazon and Toyota announced plans to invest more than $1 billion and add nearly 3,000 jobs. Under Governor Holcomb's business friendly leadership and our pipeline of talented Hoosiers, Indiana will see continued investment and job creation for years to come!

--> Click here to watch the full interview <--

Governor Holcomb also delivered the address at Trine University’s Commencement. Congratulations to the Trine University classes of 2020 and 2021! Governor Holcomb wishes you all the best in your future endeavors. 

Photo: Governor Holcomb on Inside Indiana Business with Gerry Dick

GOP Spring Dinner is June 11!

Congratulations Hucklebys!

Last Saturday our Indiana Republican Party Executive Director Matt Huckleby exchanged vows with his radiant bride Mallory “Malora” (King) Huckleby. It was a wonderful celebration highlighted by heartfelt toasts from the father of the bride, the maid of honor, one of the two the best men, and the groom’s new brother-in-law. We offer our deepest congratulations to the newlyweds and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness!


2021 Session: Balancing Budgets and Paying Off Debt

The last few weeks we’ve used this space to share the good news coming out of the legislative session and this week we wanted to talk about our new state budget. Under Governor Holcomb and Republican legislators our money is managed well.  Republicans take our responsibility as stewards of tax dollars seriously. And the results are clear for Hoosier taxpayers and job creators.

“The sky’s really the limit for where we end up in 10 or 20 years and that’s what we’re planning for.” -Governor Holcomb.

The 2021 legislative session saw:

  • Governor Holcomb sign Indiana’s ninth straight balanced budget.
    • The state budget maintains a healthy reserve fund.
      • The reserve protects taxpayers from a downturn.
      • Helps maintain Indiana’s AAA credit rating (the highest rating available).
  • Indiana appropriate conservative spending levels; opening opportunities for future tax cuts and reforms.
    • The state budget funds priorities like education, infrastructure, and job attraction without growing government.
  • Continued decline of the state’s corporate tax rate.  
  • Indiana paying off debt and paying cash for projects.
    • $600M paid to pre-1996 teacher pensions
    • $500M in federal stimulus for Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
    • Cash funding for South Shore and Westlake double tracking projects
    • Other projects: a state archives building, new campuses for School for the Deaf and School for the Blind & Visually Impaired, two new state park inns, enhanced cyber security infrastructure, new state police post/lab, and Fall Creek Pavilion at Indiana State Fairgrounds.
      • Paying cash makes these “one time” spends, not perpetual line items across multiple budget biennia.
  • The legislature pass and Governor Holcomb sign a budget that invests in public health, infrastructure, and law enforcement.
    • In addition to the historic investments we’re making in K-12 education that we shared throughout last week.

Under Governor Holcomb, Indiana is proving that you can balance your books, fund your priorities, keep taxes low, and make strategic investments that will positively impact Indiana’s future.

“We went into the pandemic in such a strong fiscal position… we paid off debt, or avoided debt, to the tune of $1.6 BILLION dollars.” -Governor Holcomb

And job creators are continuing to take notice by choosing to invest in our state. In just the last couple weeks, we’ve had major job commitments from AppleToyota, and Amazon. Those three companies alone will create nearly 3,000 jobs and invest nearly $1 billion in our state!

What that means for those communities is truly transformational.” -Governor Eric Holcomb.

Governor Holcomb continues to provide steady, consistent leadership. We’ve weathered the storm through the COVID pandemic. States that lack the leadership and fiscal discipline Indiana is known for are making drastic cuts to their budgets while Indiana is roaring ahead.

Upcoming Republican Events
May 18: Adams County Lincoln Day Gala Event
May 21: Hendricks County GOP Comedy Night
June 3: Kosciusko County Lincoln Day Dinner
June 16: 31st Annual Henry County GOP Open

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb restores work search requirement for unemployment
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch speaks at Evansville Rotary
Treasurer Kelly Mitchell announces 529 contest
Auditor Tera Klutz warns of a possible scam
Secretary of State Holli Sullivan makes listening tour stop in Allen County
Attorney General Todd Rokita recognizes National Police Week
Senator Todd Young is hosting a virtual academy day
Senator Mike Braun reintroduces his Promising Pathway Act to help those with ALS
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is working to help America's foster youth 
Congressman Jim Banks criticizes HR1
Congressman Jim Baird honors law enforcement during National Police Week 
Congresswoman Victoria Spartz visits with Noblesville GOP Club
Congressman Greg Pence criticizes Biden's energy agenda
Congressman Larry Bucshon calls Biden's decision to shut down the Keystone Pipeline a mistake
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth is protecting senior citizens from scams

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