Ask a lot of politicians why they vote against or don't pursue common sense gun safety legislation and many will tell you privately it's because they fear the gun lobby.

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Gabby Giffords

Friends -

Gavin Newsom has courage. The courage to fight for what is right, even when that fight means some of the gun lobby’s most fervent backers may try to recall him.

I endorsed Gavin when he first ran for Governor because I knew he’d lead the nation in the fight against gun violence. Now he needs us again, and I am proud to stand by his side. Will you?

Add your name to say you OPPOSE the recall attempt in California and thank Gavin Newsom for his action to make our communities safer from gun violence.

Ask a lot of politicians why they vote against or don’t pursue commonsense gun safety legislation and many will tell you privately it’s because they fear the gun lobby.

They lack courage.

But the truth is, the fear they feel must be nothing like the fear students feel as gunfire rings out in schools, or the fear parents feel as they rush toward their children as tragedy plays out on their phones, televisions and online.

Every day politicians choose fear of the gun lobby over the courage to act, they choose to accept the epidemic levels of gun violence plaguing this country.

But here’s the good news: that cycle is coming to end because of courageous leaders like Gavin Newsom.

He took on the gun lobby, and as a result, angered a lot of people who are trying to recall him today.

So I am standing with Gavin. Because we cannot turn the country’s largest state over to someone who will do whatever the gun lobby tells them. And that’s why I am asking:

Will you add your name to say you OPPOSE the recall attempt in California and thank Gavin Newsom for his action to make our communities safer from gun violence?

We are going to defeat this recall together, and in doing so keep up our momentum in the fight to save lives from gun violence in California.

All my best,

Gabby Giffords

Add your name to say you stand with Gabby Giffords and Governor Gavin Newsom against the recall attempt happening in California.

Stand with Gabby Giffords — Sign the Petition.



Committee major funding from California Democratic Party, Democratic Action Against the Recall of Governor Newsom, Sponsored by Democratic Governors Association, Professional Engineers in California Government PECG PAC

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