Texas Passes Pro-Life Heartbeat Bill, Headed to Gov. Abbott

Yesterday, the Texas Senate gave final approval (amendment concurrence) for the final passage of the pro-life Texas Heartbeat Bill, SB 8 by Senator Bryan Hughes and Rep. Shelby Slawson, by a bipartisan vote of 18-12. The bill had already passed the Texas House last week. SB 8 is now on its way to Governor Greg Abbott, who has already stated his support, to be signed into law.

The passage of the Heartbeat bill, which is being called the strongest pro-life bill in Texas since Roe v. Wade, is a huge victory for all future preborn children in Texas. SB 8 requires physicians to check for a baby’s heartbeat, inform the mother if the presence of a heartbeat is detected, and take all necessary steps to protect the life of the child. We are grateful the Legislature recognizes the importance of protecting life and are thankful for our supporters whose activism helped make this pro-life victory possible.



Victory: Constitutional Amendment Protecting Churches Passes

In another tremendous victory, this time for religious freedom, a constitutional amendment protecting churches from government closure (SJR 27 by Sen. Kelly Hancock & Rep. Jeff Leach) passed the Texas House with more than the 2/3rd supermajority (100 votes) required for constitutional amendments. The amendment had already passed the Texas Senate with the required supermajority. SJR 27 is now set to go before Texas voters on the November 2, 2021 Constitutional Amendment ballot and requires a majority of Texas voters to pass.

In other important religious freedom news, the Texas House also passed HB 525 by Rep. Matt Shaheen this week to protect churches and religious organizations from closures and interference even under public health or disaster declarations. The bill must still pass through the Texas Senate. In addition, the Freedom to Worship Act (HB 1239) is also continuing to make progress and awaits a final vote in the Texas Senate before being sent to Gov. Abbott. We encourage our supporters to continue to take action in support of HB 1239 and HB 525.



House Fails to Act on HB 1399

Last night at midnight, a number of House Bills failed to be taken up before a major deadline, sadly including HB 1399 by Rep. Matt Krause that would protect Texas children from harmful gender modification procedures and drugs. Our policy team is committed to continuing to fight to make sure these protections are addressed in the final two weeks of the session. Our policy advisor, Mary Elizabeth Castle, wrote a recent piece in the Daily Signal about why Texas must act to protect children from these harmful transgender surgeries and drugs. Read here.

Support our Work at Texas Capitol

Texas Values Action is the state’s leading advocacy organization that directly advocates for faith, family, and freedom in the political arena. With just over 2 weeks left in the Texas Legislative Session and our Fiscal-Year ending in June, your generous support is needed to defend our values – from the Texas Capitol all the way to your local community. Your gift TODAY will support our comprehensive work advancing pro-life & pro-family legislation at the Texas Capitol and all across Texas. Give today.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



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