FIRST: Mitch McConnell went ALL IN to try and elect his former lawyer and protege, Daniel Cameron, as Attorney General in Kentucky.

THEN: A lawsuit was filed arguing that Cameron does not meet the 8 year minimum requirement of practicing law to even be on the ballot.

NOW: A major hearing in this lawsuit is scheduled for TODAY and could result in Mitch McConnell’s protege being tossed off the ballot entirely

While we don’t know how the lawsuit will be decided, we do know two things: Daniel Cameron does not have the courtroom experience needed to serve the people as AG and Mitch McConnell will do anything over the next 30 days to help elect his hand-picked protege. We must be prepared.

Polls show this race is TOO CLOSE TO CALL and Republican dark money groups have already pledged to spend more than $3 million on TV ads. We need to fight back, but right now Democrats aren’t paying attention to these races, and we’re falling short of our fundraising goals.

In order to get back on track and stop Mitch McConnell, we need to bring in 500 donations by midnight. With those resources, we can expand our voter contact program and reach more potential voters. But if we fall short, we could hand the election to Mitch McConnell. Can we count on you to chip in $1 before midnight? Here’s what we found when we pulled your supporter record:

Email: [email protected]
Supporter ID: 1371688
Democratic Justice Fund Membership: PENDING

2019 Democratic Justice Fund

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