Great news! North Dakota ends home equity theft

There is cause for celebration in North Dakota, the latest in a growing list of states that forbid home equity theft.

Prior to April, local officials could seize and sell valuable properties when the owners fell behind on property tax payments, and then keep all the profits as a windfall. The owners? They got nothing.

Christina Martin, along with Michael Fedorchak, the state director for Americans for Prosperity–North Dakota, explain how courageous state lawmakers and a forward-looking governor prompted a new law that bars this repugnant form of governmental theft.

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Live theaters, hung out to dry

From million-dollar productions on the Great White Way to shoestring experimental off-Broadway shows, live theater and performance is the lifeblood of New York City. And yet, for more than a year, productions throughout the Big Apple have been shuttered in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, restaurants and bars with live music, bowling alleys, jazz supper clubs, night clubs, event venues, and houses of worship have all been allowed to open. Even Saturday Night Live can film with a live audience.

Daniel Ortner tells us how eight small theaters and comedy clubs have joined forces to fight for their right to survive.

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Utah should open its doors to economic opportunity

On the heels of a pandemic, states should be inviting innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic recovery.

Anastasia Boden and Joshua Polk detail a recent story in Utah, however, that exemplifies a disturbing trend in America: banning all business models not explicitly permitted and depriving people of their shot at the American Dream.

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