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True Texas Project is a 501(c)4 organization.
TTP PAC is the Political Action Committee for True Texas Project.
Oct 14: Movie night!
Agenda II Masters of Deceit
We have a special treat for our October meeting at True Texas Project! The producer of Dinesh D’Souza’s movie Agenda II: Masters of Deceit is coming to show the film to us and do a Q&A! How cool is that? Make plans to join us!
Please note: due to the length of the film, this meeting will go an extra half hour (til 8:30).
True Texas Project
Speaker: Agenda II Masters of Deceit ([link removed])
Followed by Q&A with the producer
Monday, October 14, 2019
6000 Hawk Ave, NRH
5:30-6:00pm – prayer meeting (open to all)
5:45pm – $5 dinner opens (first come, first served)
6:30-8:30pm – meeting
All patriots are welcome. Come as you are!
No dues. No fees. No memberships. No RSVPs.
Coming in late? No worries. We’ll save you a seat.
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*Oct 14 ([link removed]) - Agenda II: movie + Q&A w/ producer
*Oct 29 ([link removed]) - dinner at Cici's in NRH
*Nov 11 ([link removed]) - Wallace Henley
*Nov 26 - no dinner
*Dec 9 - TTP Christmas party!
We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 6000 Hawk Ave, NRH.
5:30 - prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - meeting begins
8:00 - meeting ends
We also have group dinners at various restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday of most months. Watch the calendar!
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