Please help Farm Sanctuary rescue and care for farm animals like Safran.
Dear John,
I met Safran on his very first day of life.
I found this newborn calf in a holding pen at an industrial dairy farm in Southern California nearly eight years ago. If the frail, helpless calf had spent any time with his mother, it would have been just a few precious hours. Like other calves on dairy farms, Safran was taken away from his mother.
I rushed Safran back to Farm Sanctuary, where our staff jumped into action! For the first time, he was shown kindness and love. One of our caregivers spent the night snuggled up against him in his barn, and we took turns making sure Safran always had someone by his side.
Thankfully, Safran’s health improved, and he showed us his strong will to live. He made a full recovery and is now among the most adventurous and playful members of our herd. He loves to follow us around, drink straight from our garden hoses, and groom his friends—cow and human alike!
Safran’s triumph and the way he embraces every day with utter abandon are testaments to the power of your love. Caring friends like you have helped make Farm Sanctuary a community of compassion, where rescued farm animals can heal and live in peace with dignity. For that, I cannot thank you enough.
I am equally grateful for the incredible outpouring of generosity we have received during our 2021 Membership Month Challenge. Thanks to every caring friend who has joined this month, we are getting closer to reaching our $50,000 goal.
But we still have a long way to go. So, if you have not yet joined Farm Sanctuary with your Membership Month gift, please don’t wait! Every dollar you give by May 30th will be MATCHED 100% to help Farm Sanctuary provide rescued animals like Safran with a lifetime of love and care—and to continue all of our lifesaving work for others like him.
This year marks Farm Sanctuary’s 35th anniversary. Since 1986, friends like you have helped us rescue thousands of animals like Safran from cruelty and neglect in America’s factory farms, stockyards, and slaughterhouses.
Watching these animals flourish in the freedom and safety of Sanctuary has been one of my life’s greatest joys. And, as you and I have gotten to know them as the unique individuals they are, the world has, too.
The animals you help us rescue are ambassadors, representing the billions more like them currently suffering in an unjust food system. By sharing stories of their fierce will to live and incredible capacity to love, we are opening hearts and minds to farm animals as sentient, intelligent beings who deserve protection.
But nothing we do would be possible without the passion, dedication, and support of kind friends like you who see the inherent worth in these amazing animals and are committed to ending their suffering.
That’s what our Membership Month Challenge is all about: showing how Farm Sanctuary and you can positively impact the lives of our Sanctuary residents and farm animals everywhere!
So please, seize this special opportunity to DOUBLE your impact for the farm animals you love by joining Farm Sanctuary with a generous Membership Month gift today.
Thank you so much for opening your heart to animals like my friend Safran!
Yours for farm animals,
Gene Baur
President and Co-founder
P.S. As a Farm Sanctuary member, you will receive great benefits including a free subscription to our member magazine, opportunities to take action and speak out for farm animals, updates on urgent rescues, special alerts with breaking news regarding farm animals, and more!
P.P.S. If you see a farm animal in crisis or believe that farm animal cruelty is occurring in your community, please contact us immediately at (607) 583-2225 ext. 223. Your call could save an animal’s life! Your Membership Month Challenge gift today can too. Every dollar you give will go twice as far!
Farm Sanctuary
PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891
Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.