TODAY'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings DC Labor FilmFest: Celebrating 20 Years of Great Labor Films! THE LUNCHROOM: Tickets $5 THE CHAMBERMAID [LA CAMARISTA]; Tickets $5
Coalition of more than 50 organizations supporting the right of workers to organize unions to reverse decades of growing income inequality. Got local labor news? We want to hear about it! Email us at [email protected]! Labor Photo: Honoring U.S. nurses who have died due to Covid-19 On Wednesday, International Nurses Day and the close out of Nurses Week, National Nurses United (NNU) hosted two D.C. actions to honor the more than 400 registered nurses who have died from the Covid-19 pandemic. Within view of the White House, NNU nurses placed one pair of shoes for every RN who has died during this pandemic due to a lack of employer and federal government action to protect nurses and other health care workers from getting infected with Covid-19 at work. The action also included reading of the names of each deceased nurse and remarks from NNU President Jean Ross, RN. Later that evening, the names of each of the fallen nurses were projected onto the AFL-CIO building, which sits across from the White House. “We are honoring our sisters and brothers, our siblings, who have fallen due to this deadly pandemic,” said Ross. “We take this moment to celebrate the lives of these frontline workers, and promise to fight for improved working conditions to prevent more deaths from happening. One loss is too many.” ![]() Solidarity Center Report: Africa's Domestic Workers Demand Urgent Reforms Nearly one-third of domestic workers surveyed in Africa were laid off during the pandemic—85 percent of whom were the main family breadwinner, per International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF). Only 17 percent received emergency income, food or other state-provided social support—and most received such support through another household member because they were not eligible. Says IDWF Lead Research Associate Louisa Acciari: Losing your job when you do not have access to unemployment benefits, social security or any income support "is something where the unions can really campaign at the national level to get more inclusive social protection policies.” Read more at Solidarity Center. ![]() Today's Labor Quote: T-Bone Slim “Tear Gas, the most effective agent used by employers to persuade their employees that the interests of capital and labor are identical." TODAY'S LABOR HISTORY This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Sea Shanties and the Pleasure of Work. Last week’s show: 50 years of “Strike!”
May 14
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source. Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
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