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Friday, May 14th, 2021

Considering the ‘Covid’ Lie: This Is No time for Diplomacy, It Is a Time for Truth

Gary D. Barnett

Kids Shouldn’t Be in Face Masks Ever — How To Keep Them Unmasked, Even at a Private School

Allan Stevo

How the British Invented Color Revolutions

Richard Poe

Closing Basketball’s Racial Gap

Walter E. Block

Second Stage Terror Wars

Edward Curtin

Vaccinated Americans More Scared of Socializing Than Those Without the Jab—Poll


Excess Mortality in the US Has Plummeted to Pre-Covid Levels

Ryan McMaken

The First Iconoclasts…

Bionic Mosquito

Improper Amounts of Aluminum Discovered in Multiple Childhood Vaccines

Arjun Walia

Memo to Medical Bloggers Living in Mommy’s Basement

Jon Rappoport

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – LondonReal Interview (Brian Rose)

BitChute Video

Why Are Gates and the Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in the Florida Keys?

F. William Engdahl

LRC Blog

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