From Brett Maney <[email protected]>
Subject The takeaway from Liz Cheney
Date May 14, 2021 12:01 AM
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politicians know one thing to be true, but act in a way that’s completely
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Hi Friend,


In a speech on the floor of Congress this week, Rep. Liz Cheney defended her
actions to stand against former President Trump when she voted for impeachment. 


“This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our
duty as Americans,” she argued. 


Of course, Cheney was still ousted. Once again, members of Congress chose the
path of political expediency rather than constitutional fidelity. The Big Lie
lives on — and our Republic is weaker for it. 


But there is reason to hope. Here are three things to think about:

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How we stop the Big Lie in its tracks
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In the past, people used to say that politicians would say one thing, but do
another. Today, we see a situation in which politicians know one thing to be
true, but act in a way that’s completely antithetical. 


The reason is simple: it’s the Primary Problem. Our outdated election system
pushes our leaders to extremes by giving an outsized influence to a small
minority of voters. InReal Clear Politics
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, our executive director Nick Troiano writes about how nonpartisan primaries
can save the Republican party and push them back from the brink of
authoritarianism. “America needs a healthy Republican Party,” he writes,
“including to check the ideological extremism of the left, which is driven by
Democrats’ own primary problem. We will not get that healthy party, however,
until we cure the underlying electoral disease.”

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Ranked choice voting is making waves
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Over the weekend (and into the week!) the Virginia GOP held their nominating
convention for statewide offices using RCV — a first for the party. Their
nominee for governor? Greg Youngkin, a business-friendly, Trump-supporting
candidate, who was neither the most moderate, nor the most extreme candidate in
the race. Fundamentally, Youngkin represents the promise of ranked choice
voting: the candidate that is able to build consensus to reach majority support


As Karen Tumulty wrote in the Washington Post
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yesterday, the Virginia GOP is just the latest in an ever-expanding list of
ever expanding jurisdictions, political parties, and municipalities using
ranked choice voting, as Americans come to realize that ranked choice voting is
not only easy to use, but saves taxpayer money. As cities in Utah expand the
use of ranked choice voting, and New York City offers the biggest demonstration
of the process in its mayoral election in June, ranked choice voting is here to
stay. “It is significant that Republicans are finding value in a reform,” said
Nick Troiano in the piece.

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Hard work pays off
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In 2018, after a hard-fought grassroots campaign, Michigan voters succeeded in
putting people’s voices before politics, and won a ballot initiative to create
an independent redistricting commission, taking the job of mapmaking out of the
hands of politicians. 


Now, Michiganders are seeing the payoff, as the Michigan independent
redistricting commission kicks off,announcing its first public hearings
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for voters to weigh in. 


Our founders gave us a Republic to keep, and staying involved in the hard work
of redistricting is a critical part of that process. Even while the hard work
of putting voters first has been codified, it’s up to the voters to keep
themselves involved that will ensure the process is followed through. Your
voice and your vote depend on it!

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Brett Maney
Senior Communications Manager
Unite America
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