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John - 
Something historic is brewing. There is an energy in the air that I have not felt in Virginia for a long, long time. Can you feel it too?
We have our candidates. We have momentum. We have a fighting spirit and the will to never give up. It's now or never.
Can you chip in to help send these Republicans to Richmond? They need the resources to contact voters, run ads, and pay their staff.
Meet our candidates 👇
Glenn Youngkin - Governor
  • From his life experiences, Glenn has developed the skills and character to lead Virginia with humility and courage. He has the know-how to get Virginia moving again and rebuild it into the best place to live, work and raise a family in America.

Winsome Sears - Lieutenant Governor
  • Winsome is running to preserve the Republican Party principles of maintaining our values of human life and dignity, equal opportunity, protecting our Second Amendment rights, less taxes, encouraging entrepreneurship, and educational choice.
Jason Miyares - Attorney General
  • Delegate Jason Miyares is an example of President Ronald Reagan’s "Shining City upon a Hill." Miyares grew up in Virginia Beach, attending local public schools and growing up in a middle-class household that emphasized the values of hard work, love of country, and service above self.

There you have it. Our three incredible Republican nominees for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General. It's up to you to get them to Richmond.
Best regards,
Chairman Anderson's Signature
Richard L. Anderson
Republican Party of Virginia
P.S. - Check out our store for new campaign merch!
Paid for by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219

Contributions to Republican Party of Virginia are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.

RPV Chairman Rich Anderson
115 E. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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