Election Day 2019 is 29 days away!
Countdown to the Election: Less Than 30 Days! Time is running out, friend. Our candidates are depending on us -- but we can’t help them if you don’t help us!

Less Than 29 Days Left Fund
Goal: $10,000 by midnight tomorrow
Pitch in $29 to help LGBTQ candidates WIN >>

We can’t elect them without you!

Chip in $29 today for more LGBTQ representation >>

Victory Fund
Paid for by the LGBTQ Victory Fund. Your contribution may be used in connection with federal, state and local elections and be subject to federal, state and local laws. Contributions to LGBTQ Victory Fund are not tax deductible.
Since 1991, Victory Fund has helped thousands of openly LGBTQ candidates win local, state and federal elections. We made history in 2018 and elected 174 LGBTQ candidates, including Colorado's Jared Polis, Kansas's Sharice Davids, Senator Tammy Baldwin and so many more! Your donation today to Victory Fund ensures that we can support LGBTQ candidates around the country as they run for office at every level at every level of government.
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