
Coloradans elected me to the United States Senate to get stuff done that matters — like protecting our environment, rebuilding our economy, fixing our broken criminal justice system, and more.

But Republican Senator Mitch McConnell seems to have no interest in that. Just recently he said he’s “100%” focused on “stopping” the Biden administration.

Our country is still grappling with a global pandemic that completely devastated communities. Our elected leaders should be working together to give American families the support they need — not playing political games and creating partisan gridlock.

Here’s the truth, folks: Our Democratic Senate majority isn’t a majority at all. We’re tied 50-50 and if the GOP manages to flip just one single seat, all our important priorities will be stopped in their tracks.

If you can, will you make a donation to help us protect our Democratic Senate majority and overcome this obstruction? Your grassroots contribution is critical to helping us take on — and win — the tough fights.

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Thanks for your support.

— John