John -

I hope you saw our urgent action alert sent yesterday (forwarded below). I am grateful for the tremendous response we have received so far from our activists and financial supporters - but we still need your help!

Tonight at MIDNIGHT is the deadline for House Bills to pass the Texas House on 2nd reading. And far left advocates aren’t giving up on their dangerous LGBTQ agenda. Our team will be at the Texas Capitol working until the very end tonight (just like last night - pictured below).

Can you make an immediate donation to keep our team encouraged and help us fight until the end?

Your support equips us to fight for faith, family, and freedom at the Texas Capitol!

I sincerely thank you for your continued activism that is making a tremendous impact at the Texas Capitol. With the Texas Legislative Session ending on May 31, please continue to engage with us to advance Biblical values in Texas.

Can you give $25, $50, $100, or even $1,000? Any Amount Helps!>>CLICK HERE to Donate Now

God Bless,

Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

P.S. If you have not already, follow the links in the email below to take action with your Texas House member. You can also watch our latest video update from late last night at the Texas Capitol by clicking here.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Texas Values Action 
Subject: URGENT ALERT: Stop LGBTQ & “Ban the Bible” Bills in Texas House!
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2021 

Action Alert

Tomorrow (Thursday, May 13) at Midnight is the deadline for the Texas House to consider and pass House bills on 2nd reading. It is extremely troubling that 3 bills supported by the LGBTQ lobby, including a #BantheBible bill with concerning “sexual orientation and gender identify” (SOGI) language, have passed the Republican-controlled Calendars Committee and were placed on the calendar for today or tomorrow. 

The LGBTQ supported bills, all authored by Democrats, include HB 4243 (on today’s calendar), HB 191 (on Thursday’s calendar), and HB 2045 (on Thursday’s calendar).

We need you to immediately contact your Texas House member RIGHT NOW to oppose these 3 bills! 

On a positive note, your activism was successful in getting HB 1399 by Rep. Matt Krause placed on today’s House calendar. HB 1399 is a critically important bill that would protect Texas children from harmful gender modification procedures and drugs. HB 1399 MUST PASS the Texas House by Thursday’s Midnight deadline or the bill will be DEAD! 

Please also immediately contact your Texas House member in support of HB 1399 and demand that the bill pass the Texas House before Thursday’s midnight deadline!

Thank you for your continued activism that is making a tremendous impact at the Texas Capitol. With the Texas Legislative Session ending on May 31, please continue to engage with us as we work to ensure faith, family, and freedom are advanced at the Texas Capitol!


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220
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