What it’s Like to Run for Mayor of NYC: Two Veteran Pols Dish
Bill Thompson and Christine Quinn talk about what 2021 candidates are likely doing and feeling as the campaign enters a critical stretch. And Spectrum political chief Bob Hardt talks about preparations for the first official Democratic debate.
How Ranked Choice Voting is Changing the Endorsement Game in NYC Elections Observers say voters are more likely to rank their own votes and better understand the new system if they get encouragement from the system’s power players, like politicians, news outlets, labor unions and advocacy organizations—in the form of endorsements.
Over the years, City Limits has uncovered controversial truths, informed New Yorkers and kept a watchful eye towards wrongdoing against the most vulnerable in our city. The addition of these three new reporters will ensure we have the capacity to double our impact in the city, but it also means that our expenses will increase.
Rojas, quien es el protagonista del documental ‘Los infiltrados’ (The Infiltrators) fue detenido después de que se estrenara el documental en el cual Rojas hace una huelga de hambre para ser liberado del centro de detención en el condado de Broward, Miami.
City Limits ha estado recopilando información desde enero sobre cómo funcionó el programa de ayuda de emergencia para inmigrantes de la ciudad. Muchos se quejaron de que el programa no se había publicitado adecuadamente, dejando a los inmigrantes sin saber cómo solicitarlo.
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