e-News from Precious Life

Hi John,

Welcome to this week's e-News

Our Street OutreachĀ continues each Saturday -Ā handingĀ out leaflets,Ā collectingĀ signatures for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign - and ultimately changingĀ hearts and minds to protect our unborn babies. If you would like to join us at our Street Outreach this Saturday, please giveĀ us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected].

We were also outside the abortion centers again this week - in Belfast, Coleraine, Derry and Newry. If you would like to join us - to holdĀ a sign or simply pray, please contact us on 02890278484 or email [email protected].

Remember to SAVE THE DATE for theĀ RALLY FOR LIFE - 3rd July.Ā This year's Rally will be hosted online - but local rallies will be held around the country.Ā Precious Life is busy organising "Life Chain" events across Northern Ireland (in accordance with whatever covid regulationsĀ are in place in July). OurĀ Life Chains are planned for Belfast, Derry and Newry, and in counties Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, and Tyrone.
Contact us if you would like to help organise an event in your area - callĀ 02890278484 or email [email protected].

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
Pro-abortion Commission claims Bill to protect disabled babies is "incompatible" with human rights

The so-called ā€˜Human Rights Commissionā€™ in Northern Ireland (NIHRC) has told the Stormont Assembly that a Bill to protect disabled unborn babies is ā€œincompatibleā€ with human rights legislation

Read full story...

UK Government protects "the feelings" of animals ...while continuing to kill unborn babies

The "Animal Sentience Bill" will give creatures ā€œwith a backboneā€ the right to have their feelings and emotions protected by law. They will have a legal right to feel happiness and not have to endure suffering. This Bill comes from a government that is responsible for the killing of 600 babies EVERY DAY by abortion...

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Ā 'Foetal Pain Bill' in Irish Parliament seeks pain relief for unborn babies during late-term abortions

A new bill seeks to ensure pain relief is given to unborn babies whose lives are being ended by painful late-term abortion. The bill, presented by Carol Nolan TD, is being co-sponsored by 11 TDs.

WATCH VIDEO and Read full story...


The Rally for Life is the largest annual pro-life gathering in Ireland, and is highly-regarded as an exciting, colourful, life-affirming event. Centred around a major pro-life March on the first Saturday of July, the Rally has now grown into a whole Pro-Life Festival celebrating life.

In 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions,Ā the Rally for Life events were hosted online - but with 36 local rallies held around the country. Precious Life organised Life Chain events in the cities of Belfast, Derry and Newry, and in counties Antrim, Armagh, Derry, Down, and Tyrone.

Due to ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, this year's 'physical' Rally looks unlikely to go ahead and will be hosted online. ButĀ Precious Life will also once again organiseĀ more Life Chain events across Northern Ireland (in accordance with whatever regulationsĀ are in place in July). We will keep you up-to-date over the coming weeks. Contact us if you would like to help organise an event in your area.

Meanwhile, you can relive some of the colourful highlights of previous years' rallies in these videos here šŸ˜ŠšŸ“¢šŸŽˆ

Rally for Life - Belfast 2016
Rally for Life - Belfast 2021
VIDEO - Christian Parents, It Is Time To Talk About Aborted Fetal Cell Use in Vaccines...

Precious Life has made available theĀ videoĀ blocked by YouTube

View here...


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